
nInvaders / News: Recent posts

nInvaders 0.1.1 released

new in version 0.1.1:
* added timer - now playable under irix, windows,
some redhat-versions
* added title-screen
* removed bug: shooting last alien sometimes freezed

Posted by Alexander Hollinger 2003-05-08

nInvaders 0.0.10 released (alive again!)

Ever wanted to play space invaders when you can't find a GUI? Now you can! nInvaders 0.0.10 has been released, a space invaders clone using the ncurses library so you can play it on your textconsole. But there's still much work to do, so we need *YOU* as beta-tester!

Changes in 0.0.10:

- added UFO
- added different scoring for different aliens
- problem with showing player and bunkers at startup on some
terminals fixed (a bomb had to go through the screen to display
everything correctly)
- code completely rewritten... read more

Posted by Sebastian Gutsfeld 2003-04-15