
Nimbus (social discovery protocol) / News: Recent posts


Sorry about the long silence. We've all been too busy coding NAF and Nimbus! (and whatever spare time we had was taken up by university assigments)

Anyway, the good news is that NAF and Nimbus have made very good progress! NAF has been complete for a few weeks now and the Nimbus application is nearing completion.

File releases and screenshots are coming soon!

If you can't wait until then check out our CVS! :D

Posted by James Nash 2005-03-10

Early stages

The Nimbus project has now begun to move past the brainstorming phase to the planning phase. We have had some very interesting ideas - mostly for Nimbus' low-level communication layer - which will probably be called NAF (Nimbus Application Framework). NAF will be based on existing webservice technologies such as SOAD, WSDL and UDDI. Further details will be released soon... watch this space!

Posted by James Nash 2004-10-11