

aNimble Platform is a 3-tier application consisting of a client interface which connects to a “J2EE Server”, and the server in turn connects to a database. The benefits of this configuration include the ability to support multiple clients including web browsers. In addition, the central database allows all clients to see the most up-to-date data, with no need for syncing. The use of multiple servers allows for larger institutions to introduce scalability and high availability options such as load balancers, application clustering and mirrored databases. Finally aNimble’s setup is secure by taking advantage of industry standard approaches for authorization and authentication such as SSL and password encryption as well as providing integration with common LDAP storage facilities.

Installation This document consists of the following:

•Instructions to install Java Development Kit
•Install the database
•◦SQL Server Database Setup Notes
◦MySQL Database Setup Notes

•Instructions to install aNimble Platform
•Instructions for custom development on aNimble Platform

Install Java Development Kit (JDK)
Go to, download and install the JDK. Currently, aNimble Platform has been deployed and tested on the following versions: jdk 1.6, jdk 1.5

Install the database
SQL Server Database Setup Notes
Download and install SQL Server. Currently, aNimble Platform has been deployed and tested on the following versions: SQL Server Express 2008
Install Microsoft SQL Server.
Install SQL Server Management Studio.
Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your SQL Server instance.

Create aNimble Platform Database
Right click on the Database folder and select New Database
Enter ‘aNimble_Platform’ as the database name
Under Options, set ansi padding = false
Set ansi nulls default = true
Press OK

Create Login
Under Security, right click on Logins
Create login ‘anp’ with password ‘anp_0704’
Press OK
Under Databases -> aNimble_Platform -> Security, right click on Users
Create user ‘anp’ for login ‘anp’
Press OK
Under Databases, right click aNimble_Platform and select Properties
Under Permissions, select ANP and grant select, insert, update, delete rights.
These permissions will be permanent and are needed for run-time.

Also select Alter, Create Table and Create View rights.
In addition, grant the sysadmin Server Role.
Note: these 3 particular permissions and role can be removed immediately prior to the production release as they are only used during the schema and data script setup process.

Enable remote access
Go to menu Start -> Sql Server - > Sql Server Surface Configuration
Go to Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections
Go to Remote Connections
Go to Local and remote connections with TCP/IP
Go to Select menu Start -> Sql Server -> Sql Server Configuration Manager
Network Configuration -> Protocols
Enable TCP/IP
For IP Address set Dynamic ports value to empty
Set port to 1433 for all IP Addresses
Restart the SQL Server instance
Change the properties of the SQL Server browser to be started manually
Start Server Server Browser
Test connectivity using the following command line:
sqlcmd -S.\sqlexpress
A prompt consisting of:
indicates success. Type exit and continue.

MYSQL Server Database Setup Notes
Download and install MySQL. Currently, aNimble Platform has been deployed and tested on the following versions: MySQL Server 5.5
Install MySQL.
Install MySQL Workbench.
Open MySQL Workbench and connect to your MySQL instance.

Create aNimble Platform Database
Click Add Schema
Enter ‘aNimble_Platform’ as the schema name
Press Apply

Create Login
From Workbench Central, go to Manage Security for this instance. Under Security, click Users and Privileges
Add account ‘anp’ with password ‘anp_0704’
Press Apply
Under Schema Privileges, click on ‘anp’
Click add entry.
Under Schema -> Selected Schema, select ‘aNimble_Platform’. Press OK
Under Users, click ‘anp’, and select ‘aNimble_Platform’
Click Select All, and then click Save Changes.

Install aNimble Platform
Download and Expand Application
Go to and download aNimble Platform. The download consists of a compressed zip file. Expand the zip file into a target folder of choice. For example, expanding the zip file to the C: drive, will produce a new folder structure of C:\animble platform. There are three sub-folders within the initial folder, the first of which is the Grails run-time engine. The second folder is where the Search Index is maintained. The third folder, nimble_grails, contains aNimble Platform code which hereafter will be referred to as the application root folder or <anp_home>.

Configure DataSource.groovy File
Go to the root folder of the installation.
Open the following file in a Text Editor:


Adjust the datasource and environments values as needed

Prepare the Database
Two basic options exist for preparing the database.
•For new users, a Full Install will be required. This install will create the schema needed for the application, load configuration data that is necessary (i.e. Reference and View data), as well as sample data (i.e. Projects and Artifacts).
•For users upgrading from OSRMT and have an existing application schema (i.e. OSRMT version 01_50_mar28), an OSRMT Install will be necessary. This install will upgrade the database schema as well as modify existing data and insert new application data.
Once the initial install of aNimble Platform is complete, for all future releases, Upgrade Installs will be used to modify the database.

New, Full Install - Create New Schema and Load Data
Open command prompt and in the <anp_home> directory, run the following:


OSRMT Install - Upgrade Existing Schema and Load Data
Open command prompt and in the <anp_home> directory, run the following:


Upgrade Install > Upgrade Existing Schema and Load Data
Open command prompt and in the <anp_home> directory, run the following to upgrade from the last release to the current release:


Start and Access aNimble Platform
Start Application
For initial testing in a Dev environment, open command prompt and in the <anp_home> directory, run the following:


For production purposes, open command prompt and in the <anp_home> directory, run the following:


Both scripts start the application using the Tomcat java application server, however the start_dev_anp.bat scripts continually poll for changes (i.e. allowing for web page code tweaks without needing a restart) and should not be used for production purposes.

Access the Application
To access a locally installed application, open a web browser and go to:


or if installed on a network server:


To login initially, use one of the following accounts:
•Role - Administrator
•Login - demo
•Password - nimble
•Role - User
•Login - user
•Password - nimble
Create Search Index
To create the initial Search Index, click the Administration menu option, then click Search, and finally click Run Index. A thread will be started which will begin creation of the Search Index. All other new additions and updates to records are automatically reflected during the save process.

Custom Development with Grails
Install Grails
For those interested in performing custom aNimble Platform development of either Grails code or scripts may find it beneficial to install the Grails environment variables. See below for the Grails installation instructions. Currently, aNimble Platform has been deployed and tested on the following versions: Grails 2.1.1 •Create a GRAILS_HOME environment variable that points to the path where the Grails engine lives (eg C:\animble platform\grails-2.1.1 on Windows or ~/animble platform/grails-2.1.1 on Unix)
•If the JAVA_HOME environment variable is not yet configured, create the JAVA_HOME environment variable that points to the path where Java is installed
•Append a reference to the "bin" directory within the Grails directory to the PATH variable (eg %GRAILS_HOME%\bin on Windows or $GRAILS_HOME/bin on Unix). Note that, for Windows, both PATH and GRAILS_HOME must be defined at the same environment variable level (eg. 'System variables') rather than across environment variable levels (eg. PATH under 'System variables' and GRAILS_HOME under 'User variables')
•Type "grails" at the command line, if a help message is displayed then development for Grails can begin.