
#15 Text files erroneously open in external editors

moose (2) ui (1)

See discussion below.


No, not at all. I wonder why it is calling Xcode?

I have to defer to Alex, Taylor and/or anyone else on the list for help on this one. I'll admit that I don't know very much about Macs, so it could be a setting or something.

On one of my Linux boxes it opens it up in Eclipse's native text editor, which is embedded into the screen. On one of my other Linux boxes it opens in GEdit. On my Windows box it normally does the same thing, but I know Anna has it open the file in Notepad++ on her Windows machine. Alex, Taylor, could you comment about how File->Open File... works on your Macs please?

There is a work around to associate the file type with the Eclipse native text editor. You can go to Window->Preferences->General->Editors->File Associations, click "Add" next to "File Types," type ".i" in the box and hit OK. Click ".i" in the menu, then in the "Associated Editors" box click "Add" and scroll down to "Text Editor." This worked for me on my laptop. I'll enter a bug report for this and see if we can set that filter so it will just work in the future.


On 09/22/2014 06:08 PM, Perez, Danielle M wrote:

Your response to item 3... Does NiCE really need xcode to have that feature?
On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 3:17 PM, Jay J. Billings wrote:


1.) You have to explicitly export it using the "Process bar" in the top right. Set the drop down to write the MOOSE output file and then hit "Go." It does not overwrite the file that came in because that destroys the original and as a rule NiCE never destroys an original. Also, when you select the file choose the one that had the name in the little box when you exported it, "mooseModel.i" for example. I always change the name to something unique.

2.) Yes, that is on our list as a feature request after our last call. We should have that done before we meet at the end of October.

3.) You can see the input text by opening the file with File->Open File....


  • Anna Wojtowicz

    Anna Wojtowicz - 2014-09-23

    The Eclipse RCP will rely on whatever the operating system's default file association is. If there is no file association, it will then open up in the Eclipse text editor. I believe Taylor figured out that Xcode is the default .i file assocation on OSX.

  • Anna Wojtowicz

    Anna Wojtowicz - 2014-09-29

    I've included instructions on how to associate *.i files in NiCE in the MOOSE FAQ.

    Note that setting the association like this in NiCE is undone everytime the metadata folder is deleted.


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