
Main Page

Anonymous Gregory M Lyon Jay Jay Billings Scott Forest Hull II Eric Lingerfelt Andrew Belt Neeti Pokhriyal Anna Wojtowicz Alex McCaskey Jordan Deyton Dasha Taylor Patterson Andrew Bennett

Welcome to the wiki for the NEAMS Integrated Computational Environment - the NiCEWiki!

This wiki contains all of the important info on NiCE. You can search for pages using the search bar and utilities to the left. Here are some important links to get you started:


Getting NiCE - Details on how to download, install and run NiCE
About NiCE - Background information on NiCE
Dev Team - Information on the NiCE Development Team
NiCE Code - A direct link to NiCE's source code
Wiki Resources - Resources and information on editing and working with the wiki
Known Issues - A list of the known issues and problems in NiCE. Please read before filing a bug report!
Frequently Asked Questions - Answers to regular questions we receive from users and developers.
Bug Reports - Report a bug in NiCE or view the current set of outstanding bugs.
License - A copy of the NiCE license and copyright as well as information on the licenses and copyrights of the third party packages used by NiCE.
Detailed Code Statistics - We have a project on for tracking detailed statistics about NiCE Development.

Additional Documentation

NiCE System Properties - A list of the System Properties used by NiCE.
Error Codes - All of the error codes reported by NiCE.

User Tutorials

Editing Meshes - A tutorial on NiCE's 2D mesh editor.
Using Nek5000 with NiCE - A step-by-step tutorial describing how to use NiCE's Nek5000 plugins for computational fluid dynamics simulations.
Using PROTEUS with NiCE - A step-by-step tutorial describing how to use NiCE's PROTEUS neutronics plugins.
Using SHARP with NiCE - A detailed tutorial covering all things SHARP in NiCE.
Using MOOSE with NiCE - A step-by-step tutorial describing how to use NiCE's MOOSE plugins for MARMOT, BISON, RELAP-7 and RAVEN.
Using the CAEBAT Plugins - A tutorial on setting up and launching CAEBAT with NiCE.

Tutorials to assist developers can be found on the Developer Documentation page, which contains many beneficial wiki articles regarding NiCE for those looking to modify or extend its features.

Presentations and Publications

EclipseCon North America 2015 Tutorial
EclipseCon Europe 2014 Presentation
Usability and User Environments for DOE ACTT 2014
EclipseCon France 2014 Presentation
EclipseCon 2014 Presentation
EclipseCon 2013 Presentation
NEAMS 2013 PI Meeting

Morning Status Meetings

The NiCE Development Team meets everyday in a "stand up meeting" to report progress and tasks for the day.

January 2015 Status Meetings

2012 Status Meetings Archive
2013 Status Meetings Archive
2014 Status Meetings Archive


Wiki: 2012 Status Meetings Archive
Wiki: 2013 Status Meetings Archive
Wiki: 2014 Status Meetings Archive
Wiki: About NiCE
Wiki: Dev Team
Wiki: Developer Documentation
Wiki: EclipseCon 2013 Presentation
Wiki: EclipseCon 2014 Presentation
Wiki: EclipseCon Europe 2014 Presentation
Wiki: EclipseCon France 2014 Presentation
Wiki: EclipseCon North America 2015 Tutorial
Wiki: Editing Meshes
Wiki: Error Codes
Wiki: Frequently Asked Questions
Wiki: Getting NiCE
Wiki: January 2015 Status Meetings
Wiki: Known Issues
Wiki: License
Wiki: NEAMS 2013 PI Meeting
Wiki: NiCE System Properties
Wiki: Using CAEBAT with NiCE
Wiki: Using MOOSE with NiCE
Wiki: Using Nek5000 with NiCE
Wiki: Using PROTEUS with NiCE
Wiki: Using SHARP with NiCE
Wiki: Wiki Resources