
nfsreplay / News: Recent posts

nfsreplay version 0.0.3 released

Heres the release for nfsreplay version 0.0.3.

The source bzip can be downloaded from:

The source repository is at:

nfsreplay Change Log
nfsreplay Release 0.0.3
This release adds/fixes/changes the following things.

New Items
---------... read more

Posted by Shehjar Tikoo 2008-07-16

nfsreplay: version 0.0.2 released

nfsreplay is a tool to replay Network File System traffic. It can be used for server and client benchmarking under a wide range of workloads. It allows temporal and spatial scaling of the original trace.

This is version 0.0.2 of nfsreplay suite consisting of following tools and libraries:

* nfsreplay
* tracedigester
* rdumpinfo
* libnfsclient
* async rpc library
* NFS Traffic Anonymizer
* nfsdump2anon format converter
* Misc data processing and plotting scripts in misc sub-directory... read more

Posted by Shehjar Tikoo 2008-05-16

nfsreplay 0.0.1 released

Version 0.0.1 is the first release of nfsreplay suite consisting of following tools and libraries:

* nfsreplay
* tracedigester
* rdumpinfo
* libnfsclient
* async rpc library
* NFS Traffic Anonymizer
* nfsdump2anon format converter

See the TODO for known issues which will be fixed in future releases.

Libraries used by the above components are maintained by their respective maintainers(..see README for URLs..) except if a patch was contributed to them by nfsreplay, it may or may
not have found its way into a release yet. For those patches, see nfsreplay repository log or contact:... read more

Posted by Shehjar Tikoo 2008-03-10

nfsreplay mailing lists are up

nfsreplay mailing lists are up.

The development list is at:

and the svn commits notification list is at:

nfsreplay-users will be up as soon as we have some users.

Posted by Shehjar Tikoo 2007-06-18

nfsreplay User's Guide is up

nfsreplay User's Guide is almost finished and is available at:

And like nfsreplay, both are work-in-progress for now.

Posted by Shehjar Tikoo 2007-06-18

nfsreplay: Wireshark based NFS traffic anonymizer released

nfsreplay project is releasing the wireshark-based NFS traffic anonymizer. NFS traffic anonymizer is an important component of the nfsreplay toolchain because of the need to maintain privacy and confidentiality of users data that is found in NFS packet payloads.

Anonymization of NFS traffic is the first step in replaying NFS traffic.

The NFS traffic anonymizer resides at read more

Posted by Shehjar Tikoo 2007-05-25

nfsreplay repository is up

nfsreplay, a NFS traffic replay tool, is now under active development. The subversion repository is available on the project page. The only complete parts as of now are the Asynchronous RPC and libnfsclient libraries.

The project home page is at

Posted by Shehjar Tikoo 2007-04-04