
NFL Pick 10 Project Launched

This project is in the design phase. Please see the registration description below and if you are interested in participating in the design and/or development, please let the project admin know. Thanks!

Project Description: A web site based weekly game played during the NFL season. Players pick winners for 10 games each week and rank the games they choose from 10 down to 1 - the points they receive if correct. There are weekly and season winners. Currently in design phase.

Registration Description: This should be an interesting project. A web-based NFL weekly game requiring html, java/javascript, php or perl, a database back-end, data retrieval for each week's game data, security for user access of the site, email notifications to players, perhaps user forums, and other things I haven't thought of yet. The only thing "done" at this point is a definition of how the game works and some past VC++ prototypes. So, I am interested to see how many collaborators I can find to help design, implement, and support this project. It is a fun game that is played for "points" not dollars.

Posted by Mark Teel 2004-04-13

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