
Running on windows



To run on windows, i recommend to use ActivePerl from ActiveState (just because it's more windows friendly, i guess, since you can install packages with the PPM).

If you know your way around perl and windows, you can use strawberry perl

Active Perl

  1. Download the activeperl's community edition
  2. Install it (it should be next, next, next... :-) )
  3. Launch PPM (package management utility) by running "ppm" without any command line arguments or by the start menu. More info
  4. Optional step: upgrade all the upgradable packages
  5. Almost all required packages are installed by default, however some are missing. So select the following:
  6. Config-Tiny
  7. Data-Dumper
  8. IO-Socket-SSL
  9. Inline::C
  10. Optional step: create a .config folder in the user's home, with a newsup.conf file. Please check the README for the options available
  11. Just run it:
  12. running: Running on windows
  13. upload finished: upload finished

Strawberry perl

This is more unix like, so you won't have graphical interface for dependency installation. (it's still easy :-) )

  1. Download the latest version of strawberry perl (This was tested with perl version 5.020)
  2. Install it (it should be next,next,next... :-) )
  3. open the CMD.exe (just write "cmd" and press enter on the startup menu )
  4. execute in order "cpan install Config::Tiny", "cpan install Inline::C" - I think the other ones are distributed, if you keep getting errors about unknown modules keep doing "cpan install <module>"</module>
  5. Optional step: create a .config folder in the user's home, with a newsup.conf file. Please check the README for the options available
  6. Just run it!


Cygwin isn't recommended, because you'll have a lot of trouble to put it running as Inline::C requires GCC and GCC requires a lot of stuff(!) and there's no dependency manager in cygwin.