
NEV2lkit / News: Recent posts

NEV2lkit 1.1 Released

NEV2lkit 1.1 (a pre-processor for neuronal event files) has been released. This new version includes support for NEV format 1.1 and lots of bugfixes. For more information, please read the release notes.

Posted by Daniel Micol 2004-10-03

NEV2lkit 1.0 Released

NEV2lkit is a tool for handling neuronal event files. It supports different input files (such as standard ascii, labview and NEV), and it exports also as ascii (with three different formats) and nev2. It plots the data read from the files with the possibility of automatically sorting the units. It has also two thresholds, which can be modified and the data will be reploted in real time. For more information please go to NEV2lkit has been developed by Daniel Micol, for the CORTIVIS project and the Institute of Bioengineering of the Miguel Hernandez University, Elche, Spain.

Posted by Daniel Micol 2004-09-26