
Neuros Database Manipulator / News: Recent posts

Version 1.48 has been released!

There hasn't been a new article in a while, so I figured I'd put one together.

The latest version of NDBM is very stable and has a good amount of bug fixes and new features.

Version 1.48 allows the the configuration of artists that begin with the word "The". This should help you find your songs on your neuros allot faster. In some cases a database rebuid will be needed.

For those who havent updated in a while Artists under Albums is in (and has been in for a while) and makes things easier to find. Tag editing and user defined searching will be coming in the future. As always if you have any problems or requests submit them on the site.... read more

Posted by Carnell Washington Jr 2004-11-24

Version 1.30 has been released!

There hasn't been a new article in a while, so I thought one would be appropriate.

The latest version of NDBM seems very stable. As little as two versions ago, it was common to get corrupt databases. Hopefully most of that is gone.

Version 1.30 allows the saving of playlists, even after you rebuild your database from scratch. This will make playlist management easier. Hopefully, people won't be reluctant to invest time in playlist manufacturing.... read more

Posted by Sean Starkey 2004-03-21

Version 1.20 of NDBM has been released

Right context menus (right-click) have been added and work for all track operations. We also fixed the coloring of tracks. A new color was added (yellow). If something is yellow it means that something has changed for this item. Valid Items that can be displayed in yellow are albums, genres, and artists.

Red means the item will be completly removed at synch time. This goes for tracks also.... read more

Posted by Carnell Washington Jr 2003-12-16

Version 1.15 of NDBM is released!

Version 1.15 is here! If you haven't downloaded NDBM in a while, this is a good and stable version for you to try!

You can see a lot of interface changes that have been added in the last few versions. Some of these include the new tool bar and saving of extended tags. With the adding of extended tags, some additional sorting features have been added (such as sorting by track number.)

Enjoy the additional functionality, and as always, please report any problems or ideas that you have!... read more

Posted by Sean Starkey 2003-10-12

Version 1.6 of NDBM is released!

Version 1.6 of NDBM is here for your use. This version supports a new file format, Windows Media Audio (WMA) files. You need firmware 1.40 to play these files.

I know there are some current issued with version 1.6. The database can be corrupted at times by doing trivial things, like deleting a track from the database. I am experiencing these problems as well, and they are being looked at. I have lots of data on these problems, so they should be fixed very soon.... read more

Posted by Sean Starkey 2003-09-12

Version 1.0 of NDBM is released!

The first non-beta release of NDBM. This version has all the functionality you need to add MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files to your Neuros from any Java enabled platform.

Many more feature are in the works for the future!

Posted by Sean Starkey 2003-08-12

Version 0.22 of NDBM is released!

Version 0.22 is very close to what I envisioned for a first "official" 1.0 release of NDBM. If you are an NDBM user, please give 0.22 a try in the next day or two and report any bugs you see!

Version 1.0 should have the same functionality as Positron does except for syncing of directories.

Thanks for your support! Much more functionality is coming your way in version 1.0+.

Posted by Sean Starkey 2003-08-05

Version 0.20 of NDBM is released!

We've come a long way since version 0.1! There is just a few more features that need to be added until we have a code freeze for version 0.x. After releasing version 1.0, many exciting features will be added!

Please download the latest version and give it a try! Report your findings to the project's forums.

Posted by Sean Starkey 2003-07-29

Version 0.1 of Neuros Database Manipulator released!

This is the first of many releases of the Neurose Database Manipulator.

In this release, basic database reading functionality exists. The NDBM can read your Neuros database, and display your song list.

Posted by Sean Starkey 2003-06-17