
Create a Role

Brady Mathis

In Neuron, roles are scoped to an account. Thus, to create a role you must first login to the application and select the desired account from the vestibule page.

Click the ''Preferences'' link in the upper right of the screen.

From the application preferences screen, click Account Roles.

Neuron Application Preferences

On the Account Roles screen, click Add Role at the bottom of the page.

Neuron Account Roles

On the new role screen, enter a unique name for your role and provide a description (optional). Indicate whether the role is restrictive or not and click the Add button. For more information about restrictive or permissive roles, see the guide to [Application Security].

Neuron New Role

Your new role should be displayed in the list of roles for the selected account.

Next Steps

[Customize Menus] to assign permissions to roles...


Wiki: Application Security
Wiki: System Administration Guide