
Tree [37f439] master v1.5 /

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File Date Author Commit
 DataGenerator 2012-04-13 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [7ddb0a] cleaning up setRefVectors functions
 Graphs 2012-10-10 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [2ab9c5] adding more pool allocators and cleaning code
 GrowingNeuralGas 2012-10-17 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [37f439] small changes for memory management
 VoronoiDiagramm 2012-09-19 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [eb4d84] Trying to solve eventual memory allocation issu...
 doc 2012-03-27 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [f0d178] Adding revision nr. to documentation
 tools 2012-09-25 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [a730e1] redefining pool allocator
 CMakeLists.txt 2012-10-10 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [2ab9c5] adding more pool allocators and cleaning code
 LICENSE 2012-01-10 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [ea2432] adding license information
 NeuralGas.h 2012-09-19 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [eb4d84] Trying to solve eventual memory allocation issu...
 NeuralGasSuite.h 2012-04-13 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [7ddb0a] cleaning up setRefVectors functions
 README 2012-03-05 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [ae5c3a] better memory management and some leaks fixing
 logo.svg 2012-01-27 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [4757bf] adding logo
 mainNGSuite.cpp 2012-03-19 Sergio Roa Sergio Roa [344654] Much better memory handling when looking for gr...

Read Me

These are instructions to install NeuralGas on an Ubuntu machine.
Probably this code works also in MacOS (however it has not been tested).
Please let us know if you want a version for Windows or feel free to
provide the appropriate compilation scripts.

Install following packages (Ubuntu 10.04 and higher):

Install the boost dev package. In Ubuntu 10.04 you can install libboost1.40-dev 
or libboost-dev and libboost-program-options-dev. In Ubuntu 11.04 just
libboost1.42-dev and libboost-program-options1.42-dev.

Procedures to install NeuralGas:

Go to the NeuralGas root directory and type the following commands:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ccmake ..

At this point you can provide additional flags to your configuration and type 
the character [c] (configure) twice. If everything worked fine, you can finally 
type [g] for generating the makefile. The final commands are:

$ make
$ sudo make install

Installed programs are:

- NGSuite. Used for testing learning with two different data sets (MackeyGlass and NoisyAutomata) with different learning algorithms.
- LLRGNG. Testing of the Lifelong Robust GNG alg. with a simple distribution of 3 Gaussians.
- GaussianNoise. Testing of the Lifelong Robust GNG alg. with any mixture of Gaussians.
- EBGNG. Testing of a simple Error based GNG alg. with the MackeyGlass data set.
- GNGTesting. Verify the Average Error of some GNG graph given some data.
- VoronoiDiagramm. Generation of a Voronoi diagram as an image, given nodes and data.
- VoronoiWidget. Generation of a Voronoi diagram in a Qt Window, given nodes and data.


Please send your comments to:

Sergio Roa (