
NetWorth / News: Recent posts

Welcome mlavergn!

Welcome to Mark Lavergn who contacted me with an interest to add hsqldb capabilities into the project. While various circumstances have conspired to keep me away from contributing work towards NetWorth, it ain't quite dead yet. ;-) Here's to hoping that his fresh interest can get me back into a code editor. Cheers!

Posted by Rob Lybarger 2005-04-20

NetWorth : First Checkin

I have been working on NetWorth for a while on my own box (about a year "off and on" -- I have a real job too) with the intention of making it available here on SF when some basic framework elements stabilize and the core bits of the app are useable. This project page here on SF marks that milestone, and while I'm still getting a handle on the SF admin aspects of things, NetWorth itself should be ready to run for testing purposes. That said, there is more to come, and while release version numbers don't necessarily mean anything specific, I am going to try to reserve "1.0" for the milestone where all the various required elements necessary for current project goals are in place, tested, and basically stable. Additional work, enhancements, etc (if I get any) will generally start working off of the "1.x" line (though major show-stopper bugs will be sorted out immediately, of course. ;)

Posted by Rob Lybarger 2004-03-07