

  • lomdjel mawo

    lomdjel mawo - 2011-04-18

    how can I disable writing of frames in file

  • lomdjel mawo

    lomdjel mawo - 2011-04-18

    how can I disable writing of frames in file in networkminer's program!
    i would like disable writing in casefiles called capture,cache and asembledfiles

  • lomdjel mawo

    lomdjel mawo - 2011-04-19

    hi ! Can i have some help please!
    Please, i work on a project a little difficult !!
    It's on networkminer !!

  • Erik Hjelmvik

    Erik Hjelmvik - 2011-04-21


    One of the key features of NetworkMiner is to extract files from pcap dumps. There is currently no way you can configure NetworkMiner to not write such files to disk.

    If you buy NetworkMiner Professional you would, however, be able to specify what directory you want the files to be extracted to. This way you could tell it to write all extracted files to a RAM drive for example.

    Good luck with your project!

  • mori

    mori - 2014-11-19

    hi erik
    i have a big problem in networkminer version 1.6.1 which seems it is a bug.
    the program can not handle files larger than 400kB in smb file transfers. is it a bug?
    can i handle it somehow in the source code?

    • Erik Hjelmvik

      Erik Hjelmvik - 2014-11-21

      Hi mori,

      I'm afraid I haven't seen this behavior. Would you be able to share a PCAP file where NetworkMiner fails to extract the file from an SMB session?

      You can send the PCAP to info[at]

      Also, if you'd like to anonymize the PCAP before sending it, then have a look at the 3 tips at the end of this blog post:



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