
PLCSIM Advanced Symbolic

  • ZigoZago

    ZigoZago - 2020-08-27

    Hello no chance to communicate in symbolic mode with Wonderware driver or other one ? Example Simatic Net OPC Server ?

    • Thomas Wiens

      Thomas Wiens - 2020-08-27


      there are also other 3rd company drivers for the S7-1200/1500 which fail to communicate with Plcsim. I don't know if they can't process all of the protocol correctly, or if they don't have/use the correct connection keys for Plcsim.

      Some years ago I tested the Wonderware OI-DIDIRECT with Plcsim without success. But it also failed to connect to an old S7-1200 with firmware V2, which uses a slightly different protocol variant. Firmware V1 is different again.

      The Simatic.Net OPC serverwith Plcsim I've tested with success. But I haven't noted the exact versions I have tested with, because it also makes a difference of the TIA Plcsim version you are using.

      I've started a wiki page for combinations which work, but at this time it only contains informations about the WinCC variants:

      I've you give me the exact version of the OI-Server and Plcsim version, then I can add this combination as "not working". This can only be fixed by Wonderware.

  • ZigoZago

    ZigoZago - 2020-08-28

    Hi Thomas,

    I use PLCSIMAdv 3.0 and TIA Portal 16 for the tests I am doing.

    I had also tried with PLCSIMAdv 1 and 2 but without success.

    Yesterday I tried with Simatic Net OPC Server and by doing the items browser you get to the DB then you don't see anything.

    Too bad you don't remember which version you successfully tested.

    Attached printscreen.


    • Thomas Wiens

      Thomas Wiens - 2020-08-28


      Plcsim advaced is a different thing. I've never used this software, so I can't say something about it, and what kind of clients work.

      Later I can make some tests with Simatic Net OPC and Nettoplcsim and TIA Plcsim Versions but only up to V14.

  • ZigoZago

    ZigoZago - 2020-08-28


    let me know.


  • ZigoZago

    ZigoZago - 2020-08-28


    I make a test using WinCC as a bridge and it works.
    The only problem is that the syntax is a little different.
    Instead of having example: Data_block_1.AAA.
    have to use: Data_Block_1_AAA.


  • ZigoZago

    ZigoZago - 2020-08-28

    It would be interesting to understand how WinCC's OMS + driver works maybe ...

  • Thomas Wiens

    Thomas Wiens - 2020-08-28

    I added the results to the Wiki page:
    Simatic.Net V12 and V14 can connect to Plcsim V13.
    Simatic.Net V12 and V14 can NOT connect to Plcsim V14.

    I used the Simatic.Net versions which come with WinCC 7.3 and WinCC 7.4. I remember that WinCC 7.4 wasnt able to connect to Plcsim V14 in the first versions, but they have fixed this in a service-pack or update. Because there are people using WinCC direct with Plcsim on the same computer, which also didn't work.

    But WinCC and Simatic.Net are using a complete different type of driver for the S7, so an WinCC update won't fix the Simatic.Net behaviour. Maybe there is a Simatic.Net update which does fix this too, but I think that's unlikely.

    Remember that for the symbolic access mode, you have to use the OPC-UA server in Simatic.Net.

  • ZigoZago

    ZigoZago - 2020-08-29

    OK i will wait wonderware fix driver.

    • Thomas Wiens

      Thomas Wiens - 2020-08-29

      Have you filed a bug report at Wonderware?

      Which version of Simatic.Net have you tested with, and did you try also with standard Plcsim and Nettoplcsim?

  • ZigoZago

    ZigoZago - 2020-08-31

    Morning Thomas,

    I only tried with PLCSIMAdvanced.

    But is it possible with PLCSIM and Nettoplcsim in symbolic?

    It seemed to me that with Nettoplcsim it was only possible in absolute address.


    • Thomas Wiens

      Thomas Wiens - 2020-08-31

      Yes, symbolic access is possible. All tests-results on the wiki page here are only valid if you want to use the symbolic address mode. Put/Get with absolute addresses should always work, if you have enabled this in the hardware configuration and use not-optimized datablocks.

      The only difference is that Plcsim uses a slightly different protocol variant, which many clients even some from Siemens can't handle 100% correctly. For example the current 1200/1500 versions use a MAC for each s7comm-plus packet, where Plcsim doesn't have one. I've never seen a Wireshark capture of Plcsim advanced, so I don't know which variant Plcsim advanced is using.

  • ZigoZago

    ZigoZago - 2020-09-02

    I did a test with WinCC 7.5 SP1 and PLCSIM V15 using OMS + driver. It works without using NettoPlcSim. Both symbolic and absolute.

    • Thomas Wiens

      Thomas Wiens - 2020-09-02

      If you have both on the same computer you don't need Nettoplcsim. If it works on the same machine, it should also work using Nettoplcsim, as it's using internally the same interface (S7Online).

  • ZigoZago

    ZigoZago - 2020-09-03

    Same machine right.
    However, after all these tests I unfortunately remain the problem of being able to communicate with Wonderware symbolically ... we will see what will happen in the next episodes.

  • Goghulraj Kannan

    Hi, i'm facing the same issue trying to use PLCSIM through nettoplcsim for symbolic addressing. I had no success. Have either of you managed to make it work or found a way yet? Your input would really help me.

    • Thomas Wiens

      Thomas Wiens - 2021-11-29

      What client software are you using?
      Most Siemens clients have no issues with Plcsim and symbolic mode, it's mostly drivers from other companies which have't tested their software with Plcsim.

      It's not something which I can fix in Nettoplcsim, if the basic communication does work. If you start monitor mode in Nettoplcsim, you should at least see there an connection attempt for S7-1200/1500 in optimized/symbolic mode.

  • Goghulraj Kannan

    Thank you for your reply Thomas, understood. I'm sorry i didn't mention i'm using Wonderware Intouch for SCADA application. That's the one i'm having trouble with so far.

  • ZigoZago

    ZigoZago - 2021-11-30


    I haven't been able so far to find a method to use Wonderware and PLCSIMAdvanced and SIDIR driver in Symbolic.
    From Wonderware support I have always received a reply that the driver is not compatible with PLCSIMAdvanced.



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