
Tree [r15] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 Interfaces 2006-08-24 jahwe2000 [r13] added Plugin User Interfaces
 Languages 2006-10-18 jahwe2000 [r15] Language files added to repository
 NetSelector 2006-08-24 jahwe2000 [r14] added memory Tweak to reduce the display of res...
 PluginFirefox 2006-08-24 jahwe2000 [r13] added Plugin User Interfaces
 PluginIE 2006-08-24 jahwe2000 [r13] added Plugin User Interfaces
 Setup 2006-10-18 jahwe2000 [r15] Language files added to repository
 Artistic License.txt 2006-04-13 jahwe2000 [r5] adding license and readme file
 NetSelector.sln 2006-05-13 jahwe2000 [r10]
 Readme.txt 2006-04-13 jahwe2000 [r5] adding license and readme file

Read Me

NetSelector 0.1.0 - initial release

0. License
NetSelector is released under the terms of the artistic license, which basically means, that it is Open Source and free to use for everyone. Everyone may pass it on for free or a reasonable fee for the CD, bandwidth etc., but it may not be sold or used as a part of a commercial application in a way not complying with the Artistic License. Please have a look at the license for further information.

1. Overview
NetSelector is a tool to manage different profiles to quickly change IP address, proxy settings and network shares on Windows NT/2000/XP Systems.

2. System Requirements:
 o Windows NT/2000/XP
 o .Net Framework 2.0

3. Functionality
Most of the functions are already implemented, but not tested under every circumstances. Maybe some fuctions do not work properly on older Windows versions than XP and the whole program will most likely not work at all under Windows 95/98/Me.

4. Plugins
The Proxy settings are managed through plugins, which allows to enable NetSelector to work with a wide list of browsers. Currently Firefox and Internet Explorer are supported.

5. Plans for the further development
Some parts of the code need a little revisiting. Especially the use of Generics will enhance the stability and performance.
There will be a Dialog to enable or  this is just disable Plugins, at the moment this is only possible by deleting the DLL. Configuring Plugins could also make sense and should be integrated in the user interface.
The Plugins should be enhanced to not require Firefox and Internet Explorer to be closed for setting the proxy. Other Plugins will follow for other browsers like Opera, but also for other programs like AntiVir or other programs which depend on proxy settings.

6. Development Setup
I use this software for developing NetSelector:
 o Sharpdevelop 2 ( for writing and debuggind the code
 o NDoc ( for creating developer documentation from the XML comments
 o Inno Setup 5 ( with ISPP for the installer
 o .Net Framework 2.0

If you want to compile NetSelector on your own, then you should start getting these Tools and then it should be no problem.