
Tree [r130] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 include 2009-12-13 otan [r129] compile-time bug-fixes
 lib 2007-06-14 otan [r120] - set ignore-status of files that are not requi...
 src 2009-12-13 otan [r130] bugfix (for non-OpenGL-mode): crash on getting ...
 AUTHORS 2007-03-11 otan [r101] Automake migration
 COPYING 2007-03-11 otan [r98] Migration to autotools
 ChangeLog 2007-03-11 otan [r101] Automake migration
 Doxyfile 2007-05-07 otan [r115] - added include/
 INSTALL 2007-03-11 otan [r98] Migration to autotools 2007-04-30 otan [r113] - BasicObject: only creation of objects without...
 Makefile.cvs 2007-03-12 otan [r104] - Automake migration
 NEWS 2007-03-11 otan [r101] Automake migration
 README 2007-03-11 otan [r98] Migration to autotools
 TODO 2007-03-11 otan [r101] Automake migration 2007-04-30 otan [r113] - BasicObject: only creation of objects without...

Read Me

 Welcome to the Subversion reposity of Netrinjo!

Netrinjo is a game engine with 2D-graphics, GUI, sound, network and simple
HTTP 1.0 (server) support.
A special ability is loading big parts of the application's behaviour from

Information for compiling:
For compilation, you need the following libraries installed on our system:
 - SDL 1.2
 - SDL-gfx 1.2
 - SDL-image 1.2
 - SDL-ttf 2.0
 - SDL-mixer 1.2
 - SDL-net 1.2
 - SDL-WebSrv (not part of most Linux distributions, you have to download
   its sources from "" and install it:
   su - ./configure - make - make install)

See "INSTALL" for further information.

Tested operating systems:
 - Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake (AMD64)

The repositry consistst of two base directories:
 - src: here all source files (.cpp) are stored
 - include: contains all header files, needed for developing applications that
            use Netrinjo

There is also a Doxyfile in the root directory, it can be used to generate
a HTML documentation for Netrinjo. Everyone who contributes code to Netrinjo
should write in-code-documentation which conforms to this Doxyfile.
It is a quite usual doxyfile with "DOXYGEN" predefined for preprocessing.