
NetRadar / News: Recent posts

Blank screen bug fixed

The long-lasting blank screen bug that many NetRadar users have experienced has been fixed in the most current release, v2.0.6. The bug had to do with bad thread startup parameters.

Posted by Nathaniel Duca 2001-10-30

NetRadar 2.0.6 released

See the release notes for the release... I'm taking active steps to patch the "blank screen bug"

Posted by Nathaniel Duca 2001-10-26

NetRadar source posted


Posted by Nathaniel Duca 2001-08-14

Shift to SourceForge underway

I'm currently moving things to SourceForge... code will be up soon on CVS, as will some existing binaries for Win32.

Posted by Nathaniel Duca 2001-08-06