
net_mon / News: Recent posts

Next version of netmonitor is almost ready

That's right, I've almost finished the next release, it would have been finished by now but we've had some very hot days that the air conditioner just isn't coping with. So this has slowed progress greatly.

This new version is a major update, infact it's almost a new program all together. As I said in my previous news entry (Below this entry) netmonitor will be a service based server. Although this release will still have the ability to be used as the previous netmonitor i.e. as a simple console program, it will be released along with a client program called nettc. Once netmonitor is setup on a server, nettc can be used to display bandwidth usage information of that server remotely. Orignally I wanted to do telnet connectivity, however I believe this would have over complicated the process, so nettc was a much better option. The protocol used between nettc and netmonitor also make it easy to create a GUI based client later on.... read more

Posted by hellcat82 2006-01-22


Well I've stopped most development on netmonitor due to exams, hopefully in a fortnight I can start developing again. With the next big feature being automatic counter resetting.

I'm also aiming to start implemention of features that allow netmonitor to be set up as a service. This includes telnet connectability and possibly a front end a little later on. This combined with automiatic counter resetting should allow netmonitor to be setup and forgotten about.... read more

Posted by hellcat82 2005-11-10

Almost ready

Well I just finished the modifications to increase the storage capacity of the totals. I decided against an arbitrary numbers library as
1 it's to much effort to implement
2 goes against the low resource usage style of netmonitor

With the modifications netmonitor should be able to store over the thousand terrabyte mark. With easy expansion for larger storage capabilities later in the future.

Now I've just got to fix a bug with the configuration menu and it's ready for release, but it's 4:30AM atm and I'm heading to bed right after I finish this.... read more

Posted by hellcat82 2005-10-08

Taking longer than expected

At the moment, I'm working on the arbitrary numbers library to fix the overflow bug. It's moving slower than expected, and due to a large quantity of uni work and exams coming up the next update may take a little longer than expected.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused for those waiting for a fix.

Posted by hellcat82 2005-10-03

Package problem

The previous 0.4b package didn't include all needed files. This will cause the installation to fail. A working version is now availible.
Sorry for any hassles,

Posted by hellcat82 2005-09-20

Netmonitor 0.4b Released

Netmonitor has finally reached beta, the configuration program is fully functional. I have also changed the name from netmon to netmonitor.
Some changes in this version include:
-Converted makefile to configuration
-Added Compact flag for further compacting of the display (Thanks James)
-Implemented configuration subprogram
-Renamed program to netmonitor


Posted by hellcat82 2005-09-20

First release version

The first release version has been added in the files section. This is only a pre release alpha so there is certain functionality missing at the moment namely the configuration wizard. So unfortuantely the program requires manual setup which isn't that hard and is detailed in the README file.

Posted by hellcat82 2005-09-08