
netmessenger / News: Recent posts

NetMessenger 0.6 released!

This version is very easy to install and run. Just drop the war file into the webapps directory of your Java application server. If you have your own Jabber server set up, edit the "jabber-server" property in the WEB-INF/web.xml file to point to your jabber server. If you'd like to run the system over SSL, the same installation instructions apply. Just drop the war file into the webapps directory. I've tested the system on tomcat.

Posted by Ivar 2003-03-14

NetMessenger released!

NetMessenger was conceived when I had concerns that the company I worked for was monitoring my Instant Messages. If they didn't monitor my phone calls, why should they monitor my Instant Messages. Thus, NetMessenger is a very simple web front-end built on top of Jabber to create a simple but secure IM application. Please let me know what you think.

Posted by Ivar 2002-12-13