
Netlands Project / News: Recent posts

AI Server Initial version

The first release of the AI server is now available on the CVS.
For the moment, the AI server is able to move characers and say "hello" where find another one.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-10-03

Version inicial de IA Server

Ya tenemos la primera release del server IA.
Por el momento, es capaz de mover personajes y que saluden cuando se encuentran con otro personaje.

Todo es empezar .. :)

Posted by Albert J. 2002-10-03

Flash client screenshots

At last, we have the first "screenshots" of the "Flash client".
Its very unstable (at this moment), we hope to have the first demo available at this weekend (5th october 2002)

You can find it in the "Screenshosts" section in our website.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-10-01

Screenshots del cliente flash

Ya tenemos disponibles los primeros "pantallazos" del cliente flash. Aun esta un poco verde, pero esperamos tener la primera demo jugable para este finde. (05 Oct 2002)

Podeis encontrarlos en la seccion "Screenshots" de nuestra web.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-10-01

Concept Art - Spanish

Abierta la seccion de "Screenshots" y "Concept art" en la pagina del proyecto.

Alli podeis encontrar los ultimos "Screenshots" del cliente flash, y un monton de graficos creados por los diseadores.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-29

Concept Art - English

Opened in the homepage the sections "Screenshots" and "Concept Art"

You can find the latest Flash Client "Screenshots" and a lot of pictures created by the Graphic Designer.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-29

World Server - Version 0.4.8 - Spanish

Ya esta disponible la version 0.4.8 del "World Server"

En esta version se han corregido unos cuantos bugs, se han inplementado el comando "put" y "get", y se ha restructurado la distribucion de los ficheros php, entre otras cosas.

Podeis encontrar mas informacion en el CHANGELOG del CVS o en las notas de la release, en la seccion FILES.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-29

World Server - 0.4.8 Released - English

The version 0.4.8 of the "World Server" its now available.

In this version its fixed a lot of bugs, inplemented the "put" and "get" commands, and re-estructured the php files.

You can find more information in the CHANGELOG on the CVS or in release notes, in the FILES category.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-29

Netlands Homepage

The Homepage first version are finished.

The 90% of secctions are finished.
We working to translate the homepage to english, its a hard work, but have the hope to finish all translations at october 15

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-29

Pagina del proyecto

La primera fase de la homepage ya esta terminada.

Tenemos el 90% de los apartados acabados.
Aun nos queda traducirla al Ingles, esperamos tenerlo listo para mediados de octubre

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-29

World Server - 0.4.7 Released - English

The version 0.4.7 of the "World Server" its now available.

In this version its implemented the "say" command, re-estructured the httpd daemon and added sgml documentation of the server.

You can find more information in the CHANGELOG on the CVS or in release notes, in the FILES category.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-23

World Server - Release 0.4.7 - Spanish

Ya esta disponible la version 0.4.7 del "World Server"

En esta version se incorpora el comando "say", se ha restructurado el demonio de httpd y se ha aadido la documentacion, entre otras cosas.

Podeis encontrar mas informacion en el CHANGELOG del CVS o en las notas de la release, en la seccion FILES

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-23

Actualizacin de la Homepage

Hemos abierto las siguientes secciones de la pagina web:

Netlands Project:
- Introduccion
- Noticias
- ScreenShots
- Descargas
- Pagina del proyecto
- Contacto

Netlands World Server
- Introduccion

Netlands IA Server
- Introduccion

Netlands Flash Client
- Introduccion
- Screenshots

Netlands World WOARPS
- Introduccion
- Concept art

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-23

Homepage "Netlands project"

Ya hemos colgado la homepage oficial de "Netlands Project"

De momento solo esta el esqueleto, que ya es algo. Iremos rellenando los apartados en breve.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-22

El CVS ya ha sido portado a

El CVS ya ha sido portado a
Todos los que tengais usuario en ya podeis trabajar con l, igual que haciais con el anterior.
El modulo se llama Netlands, y incluye el World Server, el Flash Client. Por el momento el IA Server aun no esta subido.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-19

World Server - Relase 0.4.6r3 - Spanish

En el apartado de "Files" ya tenemos el empaquetado la release 0.4.6r3 del World Server.
En breve empaquetaremos el Flash client y el IA Server

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-19

World Server - Relase 0.4.6r3 - English

In the "Files" category there is a package of the World Server release 0.4.6r3
In a short time we'll package the Flash Client and IA Server.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-19

CVS has been moved to

The CVS has been moved to
All of you that had SF user can work with it as you worked with the old one.
The module is named Netlands, the World Server and the Flash Client are included. At the moment the IA Server hasn't been moved yet.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-19

"Netlands Project" se traslada a

Hola a todos, gracias a podemos agroupar toda la informacin producida por los programadores, contenidos, diseadores, grafistas 3d, etc.
El proyecto esta abierto a nuevas colaboraciones, cualquier ayuda es apreciada! Escribir al foro o enviad un email a la lista por cualquier sugerencia o duda.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-14

"Netlands project" has been moved to

Hi all! thanks to we now can group all information produced from coders, admins, content writers, graphic artist, etc.
The project is open for new contributors, help is always appreciated! Feel free to post a message in the forums or send an e-mail to the list.

Posted by Albert J. 2002-09-14