

John Dalbey

There's LOTS to be done with this application.

Automated Unit Tests
Automated System Tests

Add a --version option.

Repair the workaround that displays clues in a separate JFrame by
reworking the display panel as a regular panel, not a layered one.
Fixed in [r8].

Differentiate Correct/Incorrect buttons, visually, perhaps different colors, and different labels.

Show a status message of which team gets to choose the next category and amount.

Have a way to "undo" if correct/incorrect was pressed by accident.

Have a way for MC to order the list of names, e.g., by location in the room, before starting the game. Also have a way for MC to edit the team name.

On client, stack the buttons with "find server" on top, so it's more natural for the user to choose that option first.

After someone guesses, show the correct "question" in a dialog instead of a JOptionPane, with a larger font.

Add error checking to clue file loading.

Be able to load a new board file and restart the game within the server,
so clients don't have to close and reconnect.

Be able to boot a client from server.

GUI - increase size of player names and scores. Fixed in [r8].

Ideally players could participate using only a web browser without having
to download a client. Java webstart would be an acceptable alternative.

Ring the bell on the host computer when a player buzzes in.
Be sure there is room for 12 players in the score display.


Commit: [r8]
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