Ding Gong - 2015-07-29

Previously, I asked a question about "How to divide surface elem during 3D meshing "


That Ng_GenerateVolumeMesh will not refine surface mesh if only call it as
Ng_AddPoint (mesh, point);
Ng_AddSurfaceElement (mesh, NG_TRIG, trig);
Ng_GenerateVolumeMesh (mesh, &mp);

I takes a look at each mesh generation step of a CSG meshing. The surface mesh will be refined during the volume mesh step if mesh size constrain exist.

So, what is the difference between CSG meshing and just call Ng_GenerateVolumeMesh? I really want to use netgen to do the volume mesh since the mesh quality of netgen is excellent.



Last edit: Ding Gong 2015-07-29