
superkaramba floods /home/.../.xsession-error

  • Patrick Dreker

    Patrick Dreker - 2003-07-23


    superkaramba prints the following line to my .xsession-errors aproximately twice a second:

    Cannot find python widgetMouseMoved callback function

    I use a self-written theme, which does not use *any* python, basically it would also work with (non-super) karamba.

    When starting from a shell these lines get printed to the shell, but when starting from my Autostart folder or from the session management they end up in the file. When staying logged on for prolonged periods of time (several days) this makes .xsession-errors grow to several gigabytes of size (I had 23 gigabutes today, which filled my /home partition, and made the whole Desktop malfunction).

    As a workaround I am now starting superkaramba with "superkaraba theme 2>&1 > /dev/null" but now I would miss anything that *really* goes wrong.

    It would be nice if superkaramba did not print these messages by default or had some way of switching these off.


    • Adam Geitgey

      Adam Geitgey - 2003-08-12

      This is a known problem.  It will be fixed in the next version.  For the moment everyone using sk with session support should be cautious if they use any themes that don't use python.  Make sure your .xsession-error file isn't taking up too much disk space.  If it is, just delete the file.  Sorry for the stupid error.


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