Orcan Ogetbil - 2008-08-09

I have had this problem of constant increase in memory usage of superkaramba when my theme is open. I tried every single thing to eliminate the problem. I minimized the information being displayed etc. I realized that the smaller the update interval is the faster the memory usage increases. So I made this simple test theme. It is just a counter:

---Contents of test.theme---
karamba x=280 y=380 w=240 h=188 locked=false interval=1000
---End of contents---

---Contents of test.py---
import karamba

def initWidget(widget):
    global mytext, mynumber
    mynumber = 0
    mytext = karamba.createText(widget,20,20,114,20,"0")
def widgetUpdated(widget):
    global mynumber
    mynumber = mynumber + 1
    karamba.changeText(widget, mytext, str(mynumber))
---End of contents---

If you load this theme you will see a counter on your desktop that increase by one every 50ms.

Now open the system activity window (ctrl-esc). Observe the memory usage of superkaramba. It constantly increases (if it does not start increase immediately, wait a little, it eventually will).

Are the developers aware of this problem?
