I changed a few things in the Slackware system info sidebar.
this is it, are the commands and tags ok? any advice on how to reduce the CPU usage of Superkaramba with this addon would be greatly received
karamba x=0 y=0 w=240 h=660 interval=1000 locked=true defaultfont color=255,255,255 fontsize=11 font="Sans Serif"
#Slackware icon. image x=0 y=40 path="image/Icon.png"
#Print SO name: text x=65 y=5 value="Slack 12" fontsize=17 text x=30 y=25 value="Linux for the Wifi Warrior" fontsize=14
#INFO text x=85 y=60 value="User:" text x=135 y=60 sensor=program program="echo ${USER}@`hostname`" text x=85 y=75 value="Kernel:" text x=135 y=75 sensor=program program="uname -r"
text x=85 y=90 value="Arch:" text x=135 y=90 sensor=program program="uname -m" text x=85 y=105 value="KDE:" text x=135 y=105 sensor=program program="kde-config --version | grep KDE | sed -e 's/.*: //'"
text x=85 y=120 value="QT:" text x=135 y=120 sensor=program program="kde-config --version | grep Qt | sed -e 's/.*: //'"
text x=85 y=135 value="Time:" text x=135 y=135 sensor=time format="hh:mm:ss" interval=1000 text x=85 y=150 value="Date:" text x=135 y=150 sensor=time format="MM-dd-yyyy" interval=300000 text x=85 y=165 value="Uptime:" text x=135 y=165 sensor=uptime format="%d day(s) %H:%M" interval=60000
#CPU's text x=10 y=190 value="Processsors:" fontsize=14 text x=10 y=213 sensor=program program="cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | sed -e 's/.*: //' | sed 's/(tm)//'" fontsize=10
#CPU0 text x=15 y=230 value="CPU Usage" text x=85 y=230 sensor=cpu cpu=0 format="%v%" interval=1000 graph x=120 y=230 w=82 h=19 sensor=cpu cpu=0 points=100 color=0,255,0 image x=120 y=230 path="image/fcpu_quad.png" text x=15 y=250 value="CPU Temp" text x=150 y=250 sensor=program program="cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM/temperature | awk '{print $2}'" format="C°" interval=1000
#MEMORY text x=10 y=265 value="Memory Usage:" fontsize=14
text x=50 y=285 value="RAM:" text x=217 y=285 sensor=memory format="%umb of %tm MB" interval=1000 align=right bar x=69 y=300 path="image/barload.png" sensor=memory format="%umb" interval=1000 image x=65 y=296 path="image/barlines.png"
text x=50 y=315 value="SWAP:" text x=184 y=315 sensor=memory format="%us of %ts MB" align=center bar x=69 y=330 path="image/barload.png" sensor=memory format="%us" interval=1000 image x=65 y=326 path="image/barlines.png"
#NETWORK text x=10 y=340 value="Network:" fontsize=14
text x=50 y=360 value="eth0:" text x=135 y=360 sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d : -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1"
text x=50 y=375 value="In:" text x=135 y=375 sensor=network device="eth0" format="%in KB/s" interval=1000 decimals=2 color=0,255,0
text x=50 y=390 value="Out:" text x=135 y=390 sensor=network device="eth0" format="%out KB/s" interval=1000 decimals=2 color=0,255,0
text x=50 y=405 value="IP:" text x=135 y=405 sensor=program program="rm -rf .jftgwh ; mkdir .jftgwh ; cd .jftgwh ; wget http://checkip.dyndns.org/index.html && cat index.html | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | cut -d '<' -f 1 ; cd .. ; rm -rf .jftgwh" align=left
#HDD USAGE text x=10 y=425 value="HD Usage:" fontsize=14
text x=50 y=445 value="Root:" text x=215 y=445 sensor=disk format="%ug of %tg GB" mountpoint="/" interval=1000 align=right bar x=69 y=460 path="image/barload.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/" interval=1000 image x=65 y=456 path="image/barlines.png"
text x=50 y=475 value="WinXP:" text x=215 y=475 sensor=disk format="%ug of %tg GB" mountpoint="/mnt/hdc1" interval=1000 align=right bar x=69 y=490 path="image/barload.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/hdc1" interval=1000 image x=65 y=486 path="image/barlines.png"
text x=50 y=500 value="Crap:" text x=215 y=500 sensor=program program="du -sh /root/crap/ | awk '{print $1}' " format="%um of %tm MB" folder="/root/crap" interval=1000 align=right bar x=69 y=515 path="image/barload.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/" interval=1000 image x=65 y=511 path="image/barlines.png"
#Processors text x=10 y=530 value="Processes" color=255,255,255 fontsize=14 text x=55 y=555 sensor=program program="ps axo comm,user,pcpu --sort -pcpu | head -n6|tail -n5 | awk '{print $1,$3}'" align="left" interval=1000 FONTSIZE=10 color=1,247,1
Cheers guys n gals.
Log in to post a comment.
I changed a few things in the Slackware system info sidebar.
this is it, are the commands and tags ok?
any advice on how to reduce the CPU usage of Superkaramba with this addon would be greatly received
karamba x=0 y=0 w=240 h=660 interval=1000 locked=true
defaultfont color=255,255,255 fontsize=11 font="Sans Serif"
#Slackware icon.
image x=0 y=40 path="image/Icon.png"
#Print SO name:
text x=65 y=5 value="Slack 12" fontsize=17
text x=30 y=25 value="Linux for the Wifi Warrior" fontsize=14
text x=85 y=60 value="User:"
text x=135 y=60 sensor=program program="echo ${USER}@`hostname`"
text x=85 y=75 value="Kernel:"
text x=135 y=75 sensor=program program="uname -r"
text x=85 y=90 value="Arch:"
text x=135 y=90 sensor=program program="uname -m"
text x=85 y=105 value="KDE:"
text x=135 y=105 sensor=program program="kde-config --version | grep KDE | sed -e 's/.*: //'"
text x=85 y=120 value="QT:"
text x=135 y=120 sensor=program program="kde-config --version | grep Qt | sed -e 's/.*: //'"
text x=85 y=135 value="Time:"
text x=135 y=135 sensor=time format="hh:mm:ss" interval=1000
text x=85 y=150 value="Date:"
text x=135 y=150 sensor=time format="MM-dd-yyyy" interval=300000
text x=85 y=165 value="Uptime:"
text x=135 y=165 sensor=uptime format="%d day(s) %H:%M" interval=60000
text x=10 y=190 value="Processsors:" fontsize=14
text x=10 y=213 sensor=program program="cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | sed -e 's/.*: //' | sed 's/(tm)//'" fontsize=10
text x=15 y=230 value="CPU Usage"
text x=85 y=230 sensor=cpu cpu=0 format="%v%" interval=1000
graph x=120 y=230 w=82 h=19 sensor=cpu cpu=0 points=100 color=0,255,0
image x=120 y=230 path="image/fcpu_quad.png"
text x=15 y=250 value="CPU Temp"
text x=150 y=250 sensor=program program="cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM/temperature | awk '{print $2}'" format="C°" interval=1000
text x=10 y=265 value="Memory Usage:" fontsize=14
text x=50 y=285 value="RAM:"
text x=217 y=285 sensor=memory format="%umb of %tm MB" interval=1000 align=right
bar x=69 y=300 path="image/barload.png" sensor=memory format="%umb" interval=1000
image x=65 y=296 path="image/barlines.png"
text x=50 y=315 value="SWAP:"
text x=184 y=315 sensor=memory format="%us of %ts MB" align=center
bar x=69 y=330 path="image/barload.png" sensor=memory format="%us" interval=1000
image x=65 y=326 path="image/barlines.png"
text x=10 y=340 value="Network:" fontsize=14
text x=50 y=360 value="eth0:"
text x=135 y=360 sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d : -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1"
text x=50 y=375 value="In:"
text x=135 y=375 sensor=network device="eth0" format="%in KB/s" interval=1000 decimals=2 color=0,255,0
text x=50 y=390 value="Out:"
text x=135 y=390 sensor=network device="eth0" format="%out KB/s" interval=1000 decimals=2 color=0,255,0
text x=50 y=405 value="IP:"
text x=135 y=405 sensor=program program="rm -rf .jftgwh ; mkdir .jftgwh ; cd .jftgwh ; wget http://checkip.dyndns.org/index.html && cat index.html | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | cut -d '<' -f 1 ; cd .. ; rm -rf .jftgwh" align=left
text x=10 y=425 value="HD Usage:" fontsize=14
text x=50 y=445 value="Root:"
text x=215 y=445 sensor=disk format="%ug of %tg GB" mountpoint="/" interval=1000 align=right
bar x=69 y=460 path="image/barload.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/" interval=1000
image x=65 y=456 path="image/barlines.png"
text x=50 y=475 value="WinXP:"
text x=215 y=475 sensor=disk format="%ug of %tg GB" mountpoint="/mnt/hdc1" interval=1000 align=right
bar x=69 y=490 path="image/barload.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/mnt/hdc1" interval=1000
image x=65 y=486 path="image/barlines.png"
text x=50 y=500 value="Crap:"
text x=215 y=500 sensor=program program="du -sh /root/crap/ | awk '{print $1}' " format="%um of %tm MB" folder="/root/crap" interval=1000 align=right
bar x=69 y=515 path="image/barload.png" sensor=disk mountpoint="/" interval=1000
image x=65 y=511 path="image/barlines.png"
text x=10 y=530 value="Processes" color=255,255,255 fontsize=14
text x=55 y=555 sensor=program program="ps axo comm,user,pcpu --sort -pcpu | head -n6|tail -n5 | awk '{print $1,$3}'" align="left" interval=1000 FONTSIZE=10 color=1,247,1
Cheers guys n gals.