Fabien HENON - 2010-05-01


I wrote Automatik at
To improve AutomatiK, I would like to add this one-line script into a text sensor :

top -b -n 1 |  head -12 | tail -6 | sed '/top/d' |   awk '{ printf "%10.10s %-8s %-8s %-5s\n" , $12,$9,$10,$1}'

When I type this in a shell, this gives me the expected output

To add it into a textsensor, I did the following into my python file

    test="\"top -b -n 1 |  head -12 | tail -6 | sed '/top/d'  |   awk '{ printf (\"%10.10s %-8s %-8s %-5s\" , $12,$9,$10,$2)}'  \" "
    prog='sensor=program program='+test+' interval=4000 '

    karamba.setTextSensor(widget, TopSensorText1, prog)

prog then equals to :
sensor=program program="top -b -n 1 |  head -12 | tail -6 | sed '/top/d'  |   awk '{ printf ("%10.10s %-8s %-8s %-5s" , $12,$9,$10,$2)}'  "  interval=4000

But when I launch superkaramba, it complains about not finding the proper quote.

/bin/bash: -c: line 0: Caractère de fin de fichier (EOF) prématuré lors de la recherche du « ' » correspondant
/bin/bash: -c: line 1: Erreur de syntaxe : fin de fichier prématurée

Clearly the problem is the double-quote in the bash script. I cannot remove the double-quote because printf does not work anymore.

The script below works fine:
test="\"top -b -n 1 |  head -12 | tail -6 | sed \'/top/d\'  |   awk \'{ print  $12,$9,$10,$2 }' | column -t \""

Does any bash/superkaramba guru how to find to find a work-around ? I spent a week on that, and I am running dry.

