
Login issue with Cisco ASA

  • Gene Mosley

    Gene Mosley - 2015-01-29

    For some reason netdb isn't logging into the primary/active firewall - getting this error:

    |ERROR|: Could not open SSH session to svl-fw-5585l100ej46-1:
    Wed Jan 28 17:07:33 2015: netdbctl(30253): Authentication Error: Primary login failed and no secondary login credentials provided
    Wed Jan 28 17:07:33 2015: netdbctl(30253): at /opt/netdb/netdbscraper/ line 236
    Wed Jan 28 17:07:33 2015: netdbctl(30253): |SSH|: Primary Login Failed to firewall's-real-name SSHAuthenticationError Login timed out. The input stream currently has the contents bellow: at /usr/local/share/perl5/ line 828

  • Jonathan Yantis

    Jonathan Yantis - 2015-01-29

    There doesn't seem to be anything in the input stream. What ssh_timeout and ssh_login_timeout values do you have set? Normally you would see either a prompt or a password: prompt or something in the input stream before it decides to fail like that. I would start with adjusting timeouts and increasing the debugging to see what's going on.


  • Gene Mosley

    Gene Mosley - 2015-01-30

    Uh, could it be due to the fact that our main ASA's are paired for HA?
    svl-fw-5585l100ej46-1/pri/act> en
    Password: ***

    svl-fw-5585l100ej46-1/sec/stby> en
    Password: ***

    Might this explain why 46-1 fails every time?
    Also - in the device list the secondary/standby is called 47-1, but as you can see the prompt calls it 46-1.
    This would be need to work in any combination of primary/secondary and active/standby.

    It seems to work on 47-1 and the other ASA's, only failing on the primary/active 46-1.


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