
Unable to pull Switch Report on Name - Device by IP and the other Devices work partially

Eric Day
  • Eric Day

    Eric Day - 2019-08-22

    It seems the 4 above the ---------- in the drop down work and the bottom 4 do not.

    This is a fresh install on Ubuntu 18.04 and so far the only errors I have seen are the column group errors related to :
    Thu Aug 22 13:54:25 2019: netdbctl(25203): DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'mgmtgroup' in 'field list' at /usr/share/perl5/ line 2242.

    I have attempted to drop the database and re-create that aspect to ensure everything is there. I have to assume there is some puprose of the "--------------" divider on the dropdown since the 4 above it work and the 4 below do not.

    The db has the switch names for sure, but oddly the Device by IP, MAC, or hostname report also returns the switch info as "Access Point History" and controllers/etc instead of switches/switchports.


    Last edit: Eric Day 2019-08-22
  • Eric Day

    Eric Day - 2019-08-22

    I was able to resolve the Access Point issue itself by using Yantis's edit regarding the wifi variable.

    I am now just stuck with the 4 reports below the "------------" in the drop down as not working. It just says "no switches with that name" if I use just an asterisk by itself or exact hostname of a device that exists within the db.

  • Jason Lambert

    Jason Lambert - 2020-08-04

    I am also having a similar issue. 2 identical Brocade MLX switches - xxxxxx001 and xxxxxx002. I can see entries for both in the mysql database, but a query using the "Switch Report on a Name" choice in the GUI dropdown returns a message that the "xxxxxx002" device has not been seen. The same report works perfectly fine on "xxxxxx001". A query using xxx returns results of some but not all switches that are in the database.

    I completely deleted the mysql database and all of the files in /opt/netdb/data and started over. Still getting the same results.

    The switch names in devicelist.csv and hosts file match. I can see netdbctl is able to login to the switch just fine when I look at control.log. Completely stumped on this one.

    • Eric

      Eric - 2020-08-04

      Have you tried pulling up a device that is on one of the switch ports by mac or IP and seeing what it displays for a switch name? If it displays the correct name, what happens if you click on the switch name?


      Last edit: Eric 2020-08-05
  • Jason Lambert

    Jason Lambert - 2020-08-07

    Hey Eric, I did try exactly what you suggest when displaying the report for the 001 switch and it displays the correct hostname for the 002 switch. When I then click on the hostname it tells me device not seen in 7 days.

  • TiborO

    TiborO - 2020-09-22

    same problem here. "device not seen in 7 days" :-(

    • TiborO

      TiborO - 2020-09-24

      Changed the scraper from hpv2 to the hp (even it is Aruba), now everything is fine.


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