Chris Jirgens - 2018-02-06

Hi All when I run Netdb , and I try to import data into the database by using netdbctl -a -m -debug 3

I get the below. I am getting some ip addresses importing correctly but not the vast majority, has anyone run into this before?


Tue Feb 6 15:12:48 2018: netdbctl(8391): DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Incorrect integer value: 'no' for column 'static' at row 1 at /usr/share/perl5/ line 2684.
Tue Feb 6 15:12:48 2018: netdbctl(8391): DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (netdb.ipmac, CONSTRAINT ipmac_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (ip) REFERENCES ip (ip) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) at /usr/share/perl5/ line 2823.​