
DNS Caching

  • Chris Jirgens

    Chris Jirgens - 2013-11-29

    We've had a client ask a question about DNS Caching and NetDB.

    When does NetDB do a reverse lookup to find the hostname of a visible ip address? Does it do it at the time of the scan? And if so does it cache the result??

    I want to know for instance if NetDB logs into a switch and gets the mac address and ip address at 6am and finds:

    Ip address on Switch 1 Port 1, does a reverse lookup and Sees HostnameA against it

    When NetDB goes back and does a scan at 7am and finds:

    IP address on Switch 1 Port 1, does a reverse lookup and sees Hostname B against it.

    Is the DNS lookup done at the time of the scan/logon or at the time that we've logged into NetDB to lookup the details.

  • Jonathan Yantis

    Jonathan Yantis - 2013-12-02


    So NetDB does a reverse lookup on every IP it doesn't have a hostname for every time it runs an update. Once a hostname has been learned, it is only updated with the netdbctl -f update. I have this set in my /etc/crontab to do an update once a day.

    5 13 * * * netdb /opt/netdb/ -f -k /var/lock/netdb-dns-force.lock > /dev/null

    You could schedule a full reverse lookup once an hour or during every update if you append the -f flag to your update routine in the crontab. Just be aware of the increased load on your DNS server of course. Also keep in mind if you are using a local caching DNS server and the record is updated on your authoritative server, it may take a while to cache out if NetDB is not pointed to the authoritative server.

    Hope this helps,


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