
CSV report issue with ^M return

Robert H
  • Robert H

    Robert H - 2019-12-16

    My CSV reports that NetDB creates are having an issue when loaded in Excel. Every other line has the firstseen,lastseen dates on a second line, instead of all fields pertaining to that record in a single line.

    I never used to have this problem until I started importing the OUI.txt file from the Internet. Sure enough, I took a look at the netdbreport.csv file created on the server under /var/www and it appears there are ^M returns after every vendor code. This puts the firstseen,lastseen on a second line. My Excel reports look a little like Swiss cheese now.

    Does anybody know how to fix this in code somewhere?

    Example, slightly obfuscated.

    IP Address,MAC Address,Owner,VLAN,Router,VRF,Static,Hostname,Switch,Port,Description,Vendor Code,Firstseen,Lastseen
    192.168.xx.2,0024.5196.eeee,,483,PVLSWHIN01,,0,192.168.xx.2,SWHIN01,Po2,,Cisco Systems Inc^M,2018-01-02 11:12:05,2019-12-16 13:49:34
    192.168.xx.11,9c8e.99d8.eeee,,483,PVLSWHIN01,,0,,SWHIN01,Gi7/15,R1-34_6I_A415,Hewlett Packard^M,2019-06-26 08:09:32,2019-12-16 13:49:34

    Last edit: Robert H 2019-12-16
  • Eric

    Eric - 2019-12-17

    Off the top of my head, it sounds like the OUI.txt file might have been created on a Windows system. You can try running dos2unix on OUI.txt and see if that helps. I don't personally use the excel feature so I just always put a "remove MS newlines" snippet in my scripts anytime I use the vendor code. I can't remember if I ever tried to fix the issue or not.

  • Robert H

    Robert H - 2019-12-17

    I'm doing wget from the IEEE source so if that's the case then there is no Unix version, but I'll give that a shot. What I'd like to find is the code syntax that creates the CSV files for you. Maybe I can alter the regex to remove ctrl-M.

    Edit: It does appear the oui.txt file now includes carriage returns. There is a sanitized version that does not.
    However, it is still happening. I think I need to delete the part of the database that has the OUI matches to IP's and let it rescan them. This may be a SQL question now.


    Last edit: Robert H 2019-12-17
  • Robert H

    Robert H - 2020-01-02

    So for posterity, this was fixed a couple ways.
    No longer download the original oui.txt file. It has the carriage return issues which infects other aspects of netdb. Start using the sanitized one from this site:

    I backed up the database and performed a search & replace to remove the ^M after the vendor descriptions.
    sed "s/\\r',NULL/',NULL/g" backup.sql > fixed.sql

    Restored database
    (both backup and restore via the netdbctl command)


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