
Any updates?

Robert H
  • Robert H

    Robert H - 2018-04-18

    Hi. Is this project going to be updated? I saw some posts about updating the VM and combining it with netgrph. That would be great!

  • Matthew Earley

    Matthew Earley - 2018-05-25

    It would be great to see NetDB updated. If my quick detective work is right, the developer Jonathan Yantis did well with some other projects and has since bought and sold a mansion, sitting well and enjoying life, presumably.

    How does one go about reviving a dead prohject here on SourceForge?

  • Earl Ramirez

    Earl Ramirez - 2019-02-21

    I have just started to work on NetDB over on Github, I will be honest I am not expert but what sort of updates are you expecting to see, if you are interesting in just an updated OS then this is what I am aiming to achieve. I also plan to do the following.
    Create an installation script for a few distributions
    Build a customised OS that includes NetDB that limit the hassel of installing it
    Create a Docker container
    Move Authentication from the netdb.passwd to the Database
    * Minimalistic changes to the UI for authentication and password reset.

    I am currently testing on CentOS and it has worked well so far but still need to iron out a few things, I would say in 2 months the custom OS will be available and everything else will follow.

  • Robert H

    Robert H - 2019-03-15

    That sounds fantastic Earl. I'm looking forward to your progress.
    We have official Red Hat at work so a script (in addition to your image) would benefit us the most.


    Last edit: Robert H 2019-03-15
    • Earl Ramirez

      Earl Ramirez - 2019-03-20

      The script was successfully tested on CentOS 7, it will be great if you can give it a try and let me know if you encounter any errors on RHEL The MRTG graph works, but need some tweaking becasue the ARP table is not getting updated at the moment.

      The following things are pending before I can proceed to creatings a custom ISO, similar to the one that I have created for a spearate project here ==>
      Add the statistics graph to the main page
      Create a local Perl repo
      * Test the installation in an off-line environment.


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