
Ability to Change VLANs

  • Jonathan Yantis

    Jonathan Yantis - 2010-06-18

    Would the ability to change VLANs through a web interface be of use to anyone?  How would you want it implemented, on a per switch basis or what? 

    We have our own scripts here to implement this functionality, but I'm thinking about writing a generic vlan change script.  The GUI work is done already to interface with our own scripts, so if you think this might be useful to you, let me know how you would want it implemented.  I just need to complete the backend script work and figure out the best way to control access and audit all changes.


  • Jonathan Yantis

    Jonathan Yantis - 2010-07-14

    Whether you want it or not, this feature is in the new release.  We needed to delegate VLAN changes here, so I made this feature generic and available to everyone.  See the INSTALL document for configuring this, it's disabled by default.

  • Andre de Martini

    Hey guys, I do not figure out how to configure the vlan change on my web interface.

    I uncomment the #vlan_script on the netdb-cgi.conf file, but i dont know how to configure the vlan_change parameter.

    Can anyone help me?

  • Andre de Martini

    The script doesnt get my username ( I guess the perl try to find my machine username right? I use Ubuntu).

    I changed the default level to 3 and all it is working.
    So... i got another problem...
    I am changing the original script to work on my 3com switchs... it is working well except for the response on the web interface, it stucks on "changing vlan on etc..etc..etc.. wait or press esc". This message never goes off and the users are too dumb to read and press esc.

  • Christian Ludwig

    I'm a pretty novice linux user so I apologize if this is easily searchable/obvious, but I'm not seeing the ability to change a port description through the webpage.

    Additionaly, where would I configure the vlanchange options that get applied to the webpage if, for instance, I only wanted to allow (for all users as a default) the changing of a VLAN and a port description, but disable the voice VLAN and shut/no shut options?

    I want to minimize or remove all options I know our users won't use so as to not confuse them with things they don't need, like the voice VLAN feature.


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