
Cannot determine local time zone error

  • Jeremy Keys

    Jeremy Keys - 2014-05-19

    Any idea what would cause this on the web interface (seems to work fine from command line):

    Software error:
    Cannot determine local time zone

    I updated the DateTime module through CPAN but still seeing the same error. This is on Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS with latest updates applied.

  • Jonathan Yantis

    Jonathan Yantis - 2014-05-20


    This is odd, I have not seen it before. Looking online several people with Debian and Ubuntu have had this issue, see this thread:!topic/

    Hopefully that will get you started. Try running tzupdate on the CLI, seems like there is quite a bit of info out there.

    Good luck,

  • Jeremy Keys

    Jeremy Keys - 2014-05-20

    I ended up doing the following:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

    I changed the timezone from America/New_York to US/Eastern (same -5 GMT) and it started working again.

  • Jonathan Yantis

    Jonathan Yantis - 2014-05-20

    Great, that was an odd one.


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