Activity for Network Tracking Database

  • Martin Pus Martin Pus posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all, i am using netdb-1.12.0-ubuntu-1204LTS-vmware and i upgraded ubuntu to 1404LTS. The netdbctl -ud -v command now gives me an error netdbctl(1404): Can't locate Permission denied at /opt/netdb/netdbscraper/ line 75. I tried these commands: root@netdb:/home/netdbadmin# locate /root/.cpan/build/local-lib-1.008004-YIDAOg/blib/lib/local/ /root/.cpan/build/local-lib-1.008004-YIDAOg/lib/local/ /root/perl5/lib/perl5/local/ /usr/share/perl5/

  • Charles Liang Charles Liang posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Apologies if this question has already been answered but I'd like to know whether device credentials section (from netdb.conf) supports authenticating against external server such as RADIUS, TACACS or LDAP and if so, how to configure it? Mainly I would like to configure authentication against LDAP instead of local username/password where possible. Your response is most appreciated.

  • Badtourist Badtourist posted a comment on discussion Help

    How have you pointed Netdb authentication into devices towards TACACS?

  • Badtourist Badtourist posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I was wondering if you have an alternative to storing clear text passwords in netdb.conf file. In todays infrastructure its not idea? Possibly leveraging TACACS auth or a way to encrypt local accounts? Any ideas?

  • Badtourist Badtourist posted a comment on discussion Help

    Due to the insecurity of having passwords in plain in netdb.conf, I agree with you Christian and ask the same question?

  • Badtourist Badtourist posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have Netdb v1.11 that has a password in clear in the config file. Has this been encrypted in later releases?

  • Francois TAMONE Francois TAMONE posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I only recently hit this problem with vanilla version 1.13 on Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) 3 Cindy. For the record, to resolve this, I changed parseConfig subroutine to remove the prefix "file:/" from the definition of variable $ouidb on line 3512, which reads now: $ouidb = $config->ouifile(); Regards François Tamone

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help

    That is fantastic! It works. Thank you.

  • Sam Sam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here is what I have been using the past couple of years.

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Does anyone have this updated scraper?

  • Barte Barte posted a comment on discussion Help

    Great!! I done it and it works fine!! Thanks a lot!

  • Eric Eric posted a comment on discussion Help

    You don't. It's automatic. Put a file named in your netdbscraper directory and the devtype myios is automatically available.

  • Barte Barte posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Eric, Thanks for you reply, but where can I set the devtype? Example Where can I set this association?

  • Eric Eric posted a comment on discussion Help

    switchname,devtype=WHATEVER_IT_IS For instance: switchname,devtype=ios

  • Barte Barte posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I downloaded the netdbscraper for CiscoSG500, but how can I set this new dev type in devicelist.csv file? Anyone can help me?

  • deji sam deji sam posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does anyone know what the username and password to login to the Linux VM for the NetDB VM? I downloaded the VM and installed it in my ESXi but i couldn't login to the OS because i don't know what the login is. See the attached screenshot.

  • deji sam deji sam posted a comment on discussion Help

    I’m looking to get NetDB going to search devices connected to my network. I would like to know if there is any documentation you could recommend to guide me from start to finish? I also wanted to know if this is an application that can be hosted on a Windows VM or Linux VM.

  • Eric Day Eric Day posted a comment on discussion Help

    Beyond that, the web portion is now good and as shown it is pulling data... Just having scraper issues with getting the data, and part of me still feels like it is related to FLOCK since the data is shown (ARP and MAC info) during debug. But then again, the intstatus.txt has no issues:

  • Eric Day Eric Day posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am using RHEL 7 and had some issues with getting working and had to change the IO::SOCKET::INET6 to INET. was found in IO::LockedFile::Flock so I updated NetDBHelper.PM accordingly: use IO::LockedFile::Flock; So with that, it appears I am able to connect to my 4 devices now (Pair of Nexus 9k's and pair of Nexus 5k's). I've turned on full debug for nxosscraper and it appears to be pulling the arp table, mac table, and so forth but only the intstatus.txt file is being populated...

  • TiborO TiborO posted a comment on discussion Help

    Changed the scraper from hpv2 to the hp (even it is Aruba), now everything is fine.

  • TiborO TiborO posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, same problem here. "device not seen in 7 days" :-(

  • Jason Lambert Jason Lambert posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hey Eric, I did try exactly what you suggest when displaying the report for the 001 switch and it displays the correct hostname for the 002 switch. When I then click on the hostname it tells me device not seen in 7 days.

  • Eric Eric modified a comment on discussion Help

    Have you tried pulling up a device that is on one of the switch ports by mac or IP and seeing what it displays for a switch name? If it displays the correct name, what happens if you click on the switch name?

  • Eric Eric posted a comment on discussion Help

    Have you tried puling up a device that is on one of the switch ports by mac or IP and seeing what it displays for a switch name? If it displays the correct name, what happens if you click on the switch name?

  • Jason Lambert Jason Lambert posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am also having a similar issue. 2 identical Brocade MLX switches - xxxxxx001 and xxxxxx002. I can see entries for both in the mysql database, but a query using the "Switch Report on a Name" choice in the GUI dropdown returns a message that the "xxxxxx002" device has not been seen. The same report works perfectly fine on "xxxxxx001". A query using xxx returns results of some but not all switches that are in the database. I completely deleted the mysql database and all of the files in /opt/netdb/data...

  • Robb Lyall Robb Lyall modified a comment on discussion Help


  • Robb Lyall Robb Lyall modified a comment on discussion Help

  • Robb Lyall Robb Lyall posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have just installed NetDB and having issues with some network devices that were setup for telnet access without using a username/password combination. I do not see anywhere to configure NetDB to allow password only access to these devices. Any help can be appreciated.

  • Andrew Andrew posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am occasionally noticing these Update Failure issues in the log due to "too long for column." Should I be concerned about them and is there a way to avoid them? Every month I download the MAC vendor list from Tue Jan 7 08:05:23 2020: netdbctl(32208): Importing 7053 MAC entries in to switchports table Tue Jan 7 08:05:31 2020: netdbctl(32208): DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Data too long for column 'vendor' at row 1 at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/ line 2495....

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help

    So for posterity, this was fixed a couple ways. No longer download the original oui.txt file. It has the carriage return issues which infects other aspects of netdb. Start using the sanitized one from this site: I backed up the database and performed a search & replace to remove the ^M after the vendor descriptions. sed "s/\\r',NULL/',NULL/g" backup.sql > fixed.sql Restored database (both backup and restore via the netdbctl command)

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did you find out how to refresh the Vendor info when changing out the OUI file?

  • Robert H Robert H modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'm doing wget from the IEEE source so if that's the case then there is no Unix version, but I'll give that a shot. What I'd like to find is the code syntax that creates the CSV files for you. Maybe I can alter the regex to remove ctrl-M. Edit: It does appear the oui.txt file now includes carriage returns. There is a sanitized version that does not. However, it is still happening. I think I need to delete the part of the database that has the OUI matches to IP's and...

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm doing wget from the IEEE source so if that's the case then there is no Unix version, but I'll give that a shot. What I'd like to find is the code syntax that creates the CSV files for you. Maybe I can alter the regex to remove ctrl-M.

  • Eric Eric posted a comment on discussion Help

    Off the top of my head, it sounds like the OUI.txt file might have been created on a Windows system. You can try running dos2unix on OUI.txt and see if that helps. I don't personally use the excel feature so I just always put a "remove MS newlines" snippet in my scripts anytime I use the vendor code. I can't remember if I ever tried to fix the issue or not.

  • Robert H Robert H modified a comment on discussion Help

    My CSV reports that NetDB creates are having an issue when loaded in Excel. Every other line has the firstseen,lastseen dates on a second line, instead of all fields pertaining to that record in a single line. I never used to have this problem until I started importing the OUI.txt file from the Internet. Sure enough, I took a look at the netdbreport.csv file created on the server under /var/www and it appears there are ^M returns after every vendor code. This puts the firstseen,lastseen on a second...

  • Robert H Robert H modified a comment on discussion Help

    My CSV reports that NetDB creates are having an issue when loaded in Excel. Every other line has the firstseen,lastseen dates on a second line, instead of all fields pertaining to that record in a single line. I never used to have this problem until I started importing the OUI.txt file from the Internet. Sure enough, I took a look at the netdbreport.csv file created on the server under /var/www and it appears there are ^M returns after every vendor code. This puts the firstseen,lastseen on a second...

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help

    My CSV reports that NetDB creates are having an issue when loaded in Excel. Every other line has the firstseen,lastseen dates on a second line, instead of all fields pertaining to that record in a single line. I never used to have this problem until I started importing the OUI.txt file from the Internet. Sure enough, I took a look at the netdbreport.csv file created on the server under /var/www and it appears there are ^M returns after every vendor code. This puts the firstseen,lastseen on a second...

  • Eric Day Eric Day posted a comment on discussion Help

    Fixed it 30 minutes later, was actually related to me trying to run it via root's crontab instead of just running is as myself (normal user). Once I moved it to my crontab and specified full path of perl, all is well. Thanks

  • Eric Day Eric Day posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have an issue where I am attempting to schedule the cron entry and I am unable to get it working. Everything works fine when running straight from console/SSH but not when scheduled. Here is the error log. I know I will get blasted but for sake of all things functional I am just attempting to run it as root, this is an internal server within private data center for a client. Here is the current cron entry: 00,15,30,50 * * /usr/bin/perl /opt/netdb/ -ud -a -m -nd > /dev/null Wed Nov 13...

  • Travis Travis posted a comment on discussion Help

    Received the following errors when running the upgrade script. Any help is appreciated. mysql> source /opt/netdb/sql/upgrade-v1.13-to-v1.14.sql Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.21 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 0 Warnings: 0 ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'mgmtgroup' ERROR 1061 (42000): Duplicate key name 'group_idx' ERROR 1061 (42000): Duplicate key name 'lastseen_idx' ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table 'statistics' already exists Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01...

  • Joshua Joshua modified a comment on discussion Help

    Does anyone have a Aruba IAP scraper? The aruba scraper that built into netdb does not work with the IAP platform. Show Arp and show ap association commands in the aruba scraper do work but the other 2 do not.

  • Joshua Joshua modified a comment on discussion Help

    Does anyone have a Aruba IAP scraper? The aruba scraper that built into netdb does not work with the IAP platform. Show Arp and show ap association commands in the aruba scraper do work but the other 2 do not.

  • Joshua Joshua posted a comment on discussion Help

    Does anyone have a Aruba IAP scraper? The aruba scraper that built into netdb does not work with the IAP platform.

  • Earl Ramirez Earl Ramirez posted a comment on a wiki page

    Would you be able to create an issue on Github at

  • Earl Ramirez Earl Ramirez posted a comment on discussion Help

    This should do the trick if ( $line =~ /(\w\w\:){5}|(\w\w\w\w\w\w-\w\w\w\w\w\w) {

  • Earl Ramirez Earl Ramirez posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Can you elaborate on this?

  • Earl Ramirez Earl Ramirez posted a comment on discussion Help

    There is an install script for CentOS/RHEL on Github, check it out and let me know if you have any issues.

  • Bobby Malic Bobby Malic posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hey Tony How did you install the VA? Have you got any instructions :)

  • Bobby Malic Bobby Malic posted a comment on a wiki page

    Hello Does anyone have full instructions on running netdb on vmware? Cheers

  • MickG72 MickG72 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, Great app, We recently rolled out a large number of Aruba switches. the script for them doesn't seem to able to read the mac addresses table correctly. The mac table looks like this : MAC Address Port VLAN 00155d-b05300 2/27 100 but the script is looking for this format : ? if ( $line =~ /(\w\w\:){5}|(\w\w\w\w.\w\w\w\w.\w\w\w\w)/ ) { which means 1234.5678.9012 ? Anyone got a fix for this ? Thanks

  • MickG72 MickG72 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Sam, Do you have that SSH script for palo alto ? Would be great to be able to get arp entries from them.

  • Eric Day Eric Day posted a comment on discussion Help

    I was able to resolve the Access Point issue itself by using Yantis's edit regarding the wifi variable. I am now just stuck with the 4 reports below the "------------" in the drop down as not working. It just says "no switches with that name" if I use just an asterisk by itself or exact hostname of a device that exists within the db.

  • Eric Day Eric Day modified a comment on discussion Help

    It seems the 4 above the ---------- in the drop down work and the bottom 4 do not. This is a fresh install on Ubuntu 18.04 and so far the only errors I have seen are the column group errors related to : Thu Aug 22 13:54:25 2019: netdbctl(25203): DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'mgmtgroup' in 'field list' at /usr/share/perl5/ line 2242. I have attempted to drop the database and re-create that aspect to ensure everything is there. I have to assume there is some puprose of the...

  • Eric Day Eric Day posted a comment on discussion Help

    It seems the 4 above the ---------- in the drop down work and the bottom 4 do not. This is a fresh install on Ubuntu 18.04 and so far the only errors I have seen are the column group errors related to I have attempted to drop the database and re-create that aspect to ensure everything is there. I have to assume there is some puprose of the "--------------" divider on the dropdown since the 4 above it work and the 4 below do not. The db has the switch names for sure, but oddly the Device by IP, MAC,...

  • Joerg Joerg posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi when you need the VLAN / Port-Shutdown function for Brocade/Ruckus devices: Change the like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124...

  • Eric Eric posted a comment on discussion Help

    I doubt that it currently has any proxy capabilities. I don't know how stable it would be for long term use but you can setup an ssh tunnel manually. Or if the relay host has python you can use something like sshuttle to set it up for you. If you wanted to get fancy, you could write a wrapper around netdb that would check if the tunnel was up before netdb ran.

  • Scott John Scott John modified a comment on discussion Help

    Is it possible to have NetDB scrape switches through a relay switch? So for example it would 1. Login to relay switch 2. execute command ssh -l user <ip of target switch> 3. enter password to target switch 4. commense scraping of arp data as normal on target switch Any help in making this work would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Scott

  • Scott John Scott John posted a comment on discussion Help

    Is it possible to have NetDB scrape switches through a relay switch? So for example it would 1. Login to relay switch 2. execute command "ssh -l user <ip of="" switch="" target="">" 3. enter password to target switch 4. commense scraping of arp data as normal on target switch Any help in making this work would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Scott</ip>

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Solved. Nevermind. ln -s /var/log/netdb/control.log /var/www/html/netdb/control.log

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help

    I've installed netdb a few times and I can't find how to fix the link error on the NetDB home page. I'm sure its just an Apache permission issue or perhaps I need to make a sym link somewhere?

  • Eric Eric posted a comment on discussion Help

    There is a section in the INSTALL file about backing up the database. Googling about how to restore from a mysql database backup should fill in the rest of the gaps for you.

  • Rod Fisher Rod Fisher posted a comment on discussion Help

    G'Day Robert, You would need to migrate the MySQL data files. You would need to move the devicelist.csv file. Replicate the Apache server settings for a start.

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help


  • Aly Aly posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Focusing on NetDB Is it possible to create the same project as an Ansible module that can run and update the DB with the info ?

  • Earl Ramirez Earl Ramirez posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The script was successfully tested on CentOS 7, it will be great if you can give it a try and let me know if you encounter any errors on RHEL The MRTG graph works, but need some tweaking becasue the ARP table is not getting updated at the moment. The following things are pending before I can proceed to creatings a custom ISO, similar to the one that I have created for a spearate project here ==> Add the statistics graph...

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help

    I want to build a new netdb server and retain the history of data from the old one. Besides duplicating all the settings, what files have to get moved over?

  • Francis Francis modified a comment on discussion Help

    **We have varitey of HP switchs. While procurvehpscrapper works for 2500 series , we have problem with 2610 model, we try and get follow "No ARP table" and "Bad ARP Table Data Received" error in arp Sat Mar 16 14:10:34 2019: netdbctl(10295): |ERROR|: No ARP table data received from TEST_SW1 (use netdbctl -debug 2 for more info) Sat Mar 16 14:10:34 2019: netdbctl(10295): DEBUG: Bad ARP Table Data Received: show vlans[?25h...

  • Francis Francis posted a comment on discussion Help

    We have varitey of HP switchs. While procurvehpscrapper works for 2500 series , we have problem with 2610 model, we try and get follow "No ARP table" and "Bad ARP Table Data Received" error in arp Sat Mar 16 14:10:34 2019: netdbctl(10295): |ERROR|: No ARP table data received from TEST_SW1 (use netdbctl -debug 2 for more info) Sat Mar 16 14:10:34 2019: netdbctl(10295): DEBUG: Bad ARP Table Data Received: show vlans[?25h...

  • Robert H Robert H modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That sounds fantastic Earl. I'm looking forward to your progress. We have official Red Hat at work so a script (in addition to your image) would benefit us the most.

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    That sounds fantastic Earl. I'm looking forward to your progress.

  • Earl Ramirez Earl Ramirez posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have just started to work on NetDB over on Github, I will be honest I am not expert but what sort of updates are you expecting to see, if you are interesting in just an updated OS then this is what I am aiming to achieve. I also plan to do the following. Create an installation script for a few distributions Build a customised OS that includes NetDB that limit the hassel of installing it Create a Docker container Move Authentication from the netdb.passwd to the Database * Minimalistic changes to...

  • Earl Ramirez Earl Ramirez posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Robert, I am currently working on this over on Github, the only thing is I am using CentOS but once I have iron on the kinck I will have both OS similare to another project that I created an ISO for

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help

    Sam, Can I get a copy of your modified Palo Alto scraper that works with SSH?

  • e e e e posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I was checking the control.log and I am seeing some errors coming from the WLC scraper. What does it mean exactly? It complains about a duplicate entry, is it a duplicate entry for a mac address? What can I do to fix this issue? Fri Feb 8 12:25:26 2019: netdbctl(31683): DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry 'AUDIBXWLC-O-NETC2CDR402-ap39-o-l34-niv0-c7-d7-entafnam-0008.2265' for key 'PRIMARY' at /usr/lib/perl5/ line 2436. Fri Feb 8 12:25:26 2019: netdbctl(31683): DBD::mysql::st...

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Help

    I can't help with that, but I would pay a bounty for somebody to keep this up-to-date on a long term release, like Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. This program is fantastic and we use it almost daily at work.

  • Drew359 Drew359 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I installed the VM for Netdb from this page ( a few months ago and it's been working great. But when I tried to update the system via apt-get dist-upgrade, I started getting a 403 error when trying to load the main page. It looks like the update to Ubuntu ver 14 removes or resets some symlinks, folder, or file permissions. I tried using chmod & chown to add read and execute permissions back to the various Netdb files and folder, but no...

  • Earl Ramirez Earl Ramirez posted a comment on discussion Help

    Dear All, I have recenly install NetDB on CentOS 7 and in the control logs I am seeing the following error. "netdbctl(25842): Net::Mac::Vendor cache source [file://opt/netdb/data/oui.txt] does not exist at /usr/lib64/perl5/ line 2291." I've confirmed that the file exist and netdb has access to the file. ls -la /opt/netdb/data/oui.txt -rw-r--r--. 1 netdb netdb 3248879 Oct 22 2014 /opt/netdb/data/oui.txt As a result of this I am not able to see the vendor, I checked the VMWARE version and I...

  • milo hofman milo hofman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you for the reply. My problem has been resolved.! it was permissions in /cgi-bin/ files by chown.

  • Eric Eric posted a comment on discussion Help

    I don't have a debian system or the vmware vm to look at but it sounds like basic web file ownership and permission issues. It is probably not related to the password you created or you logging into the web interface (you can always disable the apache authentication to test that). It sounds like the web server does not have permission to read the cgi-bin file. I would start with the basics like; what is the apache2 user in /etc/passwd? is that user the owner of the link you mentioned above? does...

  • milo hofman milo hofman posted a comment on discussion Help

    yes, that is the error in the apache2 log, I have already tried to change the password, the permissions in the symbolic links is the same as netdb in the vm-ware. I can not solve it!

  • Eric Eric posted a comment on discussion Help

    Milo, Did you already look at the issue TYT mentioned above your post: "Checking the apache2 logs, there was a symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/" That would be my guess based on the info you provided.

  • milo hofman milo hofman posted a comment on discussion Help

    hi, i have this error, i have debian 9/apache2, i install step by step from /opt/netdb/INSTALL. https://10.201.x.x/cgi-bin/ Forbidden You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/ on this server. Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) Server at xx.xx.xx.xx Port 443 I can not fix it and I try to do htpasswd /etc/apache2/netdb.passwd netdb but it still gives me error. The user is netdb yes or yes? or can I have another usr? HELPPPPPMEE

  • krpi krpi posted a comment on discussion Help

    You saved my day, thank you, u r best! krpi

  • Matthew Earley Matthew Earley posted a comment on discussion Help

    Cisco ISE and other microsegmentation solutions. Nothing in the opensource that I have found. I am interested in reviving NetDB....

  • Eric Eric posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Richard, Did you ever find a tool to easily "provide a report of devices that have unauthorized status through MAB or 802.1x"? I am interested in being able to do that as well. -Eric

  • Matthew Earley Matthew Earley posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It would be great to see NetDB updated. If my quick detective work is right, the developer Jonathan Yantis did well with some other projects and has since bought and sold a mansion, sitting well and enjoying life, presumably. How does one go about reviving a dead prohject here on SourceForge?

  • Matthew Earley Matthew Earley posted a comment on discussion Help

    I was able to locate the files, but ended up using the orginal 1.13. 1.14 and the work-around did not do well for me. I went back to a clean install with 1.13 and updated the ieee oui.txt file.

  • Eric Eric posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have recently installed and configured v1.13 and I am currently attempting to fine tune it. I have a situation where I need to increase the max_macs setting for one router. According to /etc/netdb.conf I can: "override this value on any individual switch by appending max_macs=XX in the devicelist file” It also provides an example of: "#,max_macs=100” Is there some trick to doing this that I am missing? In my testing, the setting from /etc/netdb.conf is always being...

  • Andrew Andrew posted a comment on discussion Help

    Where were you able to locate version 1.14 of I've downloaded the newest version of NetworkDB via SVN and it still had version 1.13. I'm trying to upgrade my server from Ubuntu 14 to 16 but since the upgrade I'm running into the errors below which I'm guessing are resolved in version 1.14. Importing 9123 intstatus entries in to switchstatus table Importing 8403 MAC entries in to switchports table DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Data too long for column 'vendor' at row 1 at /usr/local/lib/site_perl/

  • Robert H Robert H posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi. Is this project going to be updated? I saw some posts about updating the VM and combining it with netgrph. That would be great!

  • Gene Mosley Gene Mosley posted a comment on discussion Help

    cat control.log | grep lock Sun Apr 8 04:30:02 2018: netdbctl(27470): netdbctl: ERROR /var/lock/netdbctl.lock locked by /opt/netdb/ (23859) Sun Apr 8 03:30:01 2018, check to see if netdbctl is already running Sun Apr 8 06:30:01 2018: netdbctl(32674): netdbctl: ERROR /var/lock/netdbctl.lock locked by /opt/netdb/ (29798) Sun Apr 8 05:30:01 2018, check to see if netdbctl is already running Sun Apr 8 08:30:01 2018: netdbctl(5613): netdbctl: ERROR /var/lock/netdbctl.lock locked by...

  • Gene Mosley Gene Mosley posted a comment on discussion Help

    Mon Apr 9 13:48:32 2018: netdbctl(20089): Net::Mac::Vendor cache source [file://opt/netdb/data/oui.txt] does not exist at /usr/local/share/perl5/ line 2291 Mon Apr 9 14:06:55 2018: netdbctl(20089): NetDB Library Debug Level: 0 Mon Apr 9 14:06:55 2018: netdbctl(20089): Importing 597 neighbor discovery entries in to neighbor table Mon Apr 9 14:06:57 2018: netdbctl(20089): NetDB Library Debug Level: 0 Mon Apr 9 14:06:57 2018: netdbctl(20089): Importing 1 IPv6 Entries in to ipmac table Mon Apr...

  • Matthew Earley Matthew Earley modified a comment on discussion Help

    So.... What I found is the requirement to update the following, as they are the only updates avaiable for 1.14: in /opt/netdb/ upgrade-v1.13-to-v1.14.sql in /opt/netdb/sql (this is a MySQL script run in the mySQL shell) * Both files are located here in the Help forum. My milaeage with the updates varied, not so sure if they were worth the effort as some fields in "netdb -st" are now missing: netdbadmin@netdb:/opt/netdb/sql$ netdb -st NetDB Statistics --------------------------------- MAC...

  • Matthew Earley Matthew Earley modified a comment on discussion Help

    So.... What I found is the requirement to update the following, as they are the only updates avaiable for 1.14: in /opt/netdb/ upgrade-v1.13-to-v1.14.sql in /opt/netdb/sql (this is a MySQL script run in the mySQL shell) Both files are located here in the Help forum. My milaeage with the updates varied, not so sure if they were worth the effort as some fields in "netdb -st" are now missing: netdbadmin@netdb:/opt/netdb/sql$ netdb -st NetDB Statistics --------------------------------- MAC Entries:...

  • Matthew Earley Matthew Earley posted a comment on discussion Help

    So.... What I found is the requirement to update the following, as they are the only updates avaiable for 1.14: in /opt/netdb/ upgrade-v1.13-to-v1.14.sql in /opt/netdb/sql (this is a MySQL script run in the mySQL shell) Both files are located here in the Help forum. My milaeage with the updates varied, not so sure if they were worth the effort as some fields in "netdb -st" are now missing: netdbadmin@netdb:/opt/netdb/sql$ netdb -st NetDB Statistics --------------------------------- MAC Entries:...

  • Matthew Earley Matthew Earley posted a comment on discussion Help

    netdbadmin@netdb:~$ more VMWARE-README - Change the netdbadmin passwd passwd See the INSTALL about configuring your devicelist.csv file Edit the /etc/netdb.conf with your device credentials, see the INSTALL documenment section on configuring the netdb.conf config file NetBD is installed to /opt/netdb/ Once you have added devices to the devicelist.csv file, run an update netdbctl -ud -v -m -a Check the /var/log/netdb/control.log file for any errors Cron is configured to update every 15 minutes, see...

  • Matthew Earley Matthew Earley modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Jonathan, Thanks for your help in advance. I have updated the following: sql from 1.13 to 1.14 using yoru script donwload above. I received the "OK" statements during that upgrade Downloaded and replaced in /etc Now I recieve the library mismatch message that asks me to run the SQL upgrade script, which I have now done twice: Library Version: 1.13, Database Version: 1.14 Error Library/DB mismatch, please run the upgrade script in the sql directory. Thanks again, I really appreciate...

  • Matthew Earley Matthew Earley modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Jonathan, Thanks for your help in advance. I have updated the following: sql from 1.13 to 1.14 using yoru script donwload above. I received the "OK" statements during that upgrade Downloaded and replaced in /etc Now I recieve the library mismatch message that asks me to run the SQL upgrade script, which I have now done twice: Library Version: 1.13, Database Version: 1.14 Error Library/DB mismatch, please run the upgrade script in the sql directory. Thanks again, I really appreciate...

  • Matthew Earley Matthew Earley posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Jonathan, Thanks for your help in advance. I have updated the following: sql from 1.13 to 1.14 using yoru script donwload above. I received the "OK" statements during that upgrade Downloaded and replaced in /etc now I recieve the library mismatch message that asks me to run the SQL upgrade script, which I have now done twice: Library Version: 1.13, Database Version: 1.14 Error Library/DB mismatch, please run the upgrade script in the sql directory. Thanks again, I really appreciate...

  • Matthew Earley Matthew Earley posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello Jonathan, I came across a post in this forum that suggested there is an upgrade path from 1.13 to 1.14. Is this a valid option and reccomended? I noticed in my upgrade directory the option to upgrade from 1.13 to 1.14 is not present, while scripts for other upgrades such as 1.12 to 1.13 are present. Should I consider upgrading from 1.13 to 1.14, and if so, how do I obtain the script and instructions to do so? Thank you, Matthew

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