
Tree [8976b9] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 debian 2022-12-15 Vladimir Vassilev Vladimir Vassilev [6111b1] Bumped up release version for new 1.8 release c...
 litenc 2022-12-06 Vladimir Vassilev Vladimir Vassilev [cdbd74] Replaced ascii with utf-8 as default encoding
 litenc_lxml 2022-12-06 Vladimir Vassilev Vladimir Vassilev [cdbd74] Replaced ascii with utf-8 as default encoding
 scripts 2018-10-23 Vladimir Vassilev Vladimir Vassilev [7b6355] Fixed bug in --port=830 handling.
 tntapi 2022-12-15 Vladimir Vassilev Vladimir Vassilev [8976b9] Fixed issue with rfc2544-benchmark dependency o...
 CHANGELOG 2022-12-15 Vladimir Vassilev Vladimir Vassilev [6111b1] Bumped up release version for new 1.8 release c...
 README 2021-07-26 Vladimir Vassilev Vladimir Vassilev [7c7a38] Updated README with installation instructions a... 2022-12-15 Vladimir Vassilev Vladimir Vassilev [6111b1] Bumped up release version for new 1.8 release c...

Read Me

litenc - light NETCONF session framer API allowing the user full control without going through any XML validation of the PDUs. litenc can be easily extended with wrappers doing more based on the simple core functionality see litenc_lxml.

The entire litenc API is composed of 4+1 functions:
* connect
* send
* receive
* close

** rpc - is a sequence of send and receive calls. Handy when you do not need the full control provided by send and receive.

For short example check:

scripts/netconf_get - script connecting to netconf server sending <get> RPC and printing to the standard output the reply XML.


 sudo apt-get -y install python python-lxml libxml2-utils python-paramiko
 sudo python install
 cd tntapi
 sudo python install

# In case you use yangrpc with yangcli syntax (recommended) you have to install yuma123 with client side python support yangrpc/yangcli
 cd ~
 git clone
 cd yuma123
 apt-get -y install libxml2-dev libssh2-1-dev libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev libreadline-dev libssl-dev
 autoreconf -i -f
 ./configure CFLAGS="-g -O0"  CXXFLAGS="-g -O0" --prefix=/usr
 make install
 cd netconf/python
 apt-get -y install python-all-dev
 autoreconf -i -f
 ./configure CFLAGS="-g -O0"  CXXFLAGS="-g -O0" --prefix=/usr
 make install
 python install 
