
Netcomics / News: Recent posts

CVS repository updated

The 0.13.2 release was tagged with V0_13_2. A corresponding branch tag was also made on the same versions of those files: V0_13_3_dev. Use that branch to access the latest version of the unmodularized codebase.

The modularized codebase from the OO branch has been merged into the main branch. Therefore, you now need to run "perl Makefile.PL" to produce the Makefile in the main branch. All of the netcomics modules are installed under the perl site_lib directory instead of under /usr/share/netcomics. See the install_home target in the produced Makefile for an example on how to change where things are installed.... read more

Posted by Ben Hochstedler 2001-07-19

The status and future of netcomics

**CATS is promptly stuck by the knight from Monty Python with a chicken.
There is general applause.**

And now for something completely different: A discussion on where
netcomics is, and where it's heading in the not so distant future.

Good evening. My name is Elliot. You may or may not know me. I joined
the netcomics project in mid-February after I started a similar project
called "comicpage", which I stopped working on, (and am now in the
process of merging into netcomics), after corresponding with Ben
Hochstedler for a couple of weeks, who convinced me to join his project.... read more

Posted by Ben Hochstedler 2001-05-20

source code imported

The source code for netcomics has been imported into its SourceForge CVS repository. The source tree contains 0.12 plus modifications that were made since its release. Please email me <> your SourceForge username if you wish to be added as a developer for netcomics.

Posted by Ben Hochstedler 2000-07-16