Angelo D'Agnano - 2015-05-30

Basic Help

Arranging the layout

The items on a diagram can be arranged using one of the following automatic layouts:
+ hierarchical layout
+ horizontal tree layout
+ vertical tree layout

Per default the generated diagrams use the hierarchical layout using a free route.
In the free routing the lines connecting the modules are normally broken in segments to avoid that the lines overlap with the items.

Right clicking on an empty spot on the diagram, it is possible to change the layout of the items,or, for the hierarchical layout set to use a direct routing (where modules are connected by straight lines).

The automatic layout can be modified dragging and dropping the items in the diagram.
The lines connecting the items can be broken into segments double-clicking on the line.
Double-clicking on an intermediate point deletes it "straightening" the line.

Fit to zoom

The scale of the diagram can be changed using CTRL+Mouse wheel.

Hiding nodes or expanding/removing nodes' dependencies

Right-clicking on a item shows the context menu allowing to remove a node from the diagram and to show/hide the node dependencies.