We have a Centos based file server with a StorNext filesystem as a base system. When doing AFP config reload "pkill -HUP afpd", we see that the entire FS hangs for 10-30 seconds. This creates spinning beachballs at the clients and other issues. See the example video of me doing a pkill ind the window to the left while doing a simple "ll" to the right. This process stalls in seconds after the pkill. What could this be?
Would you be able to provide logs leading up to the error?
And to confirm, you're saying that the entire Centos system runs on a StorNext filesystem? Or is it just the shared netatalk volume that is?
My hunch is that the filesystem is a factor here, so please help me understand how you have configured it. And if possible, I'd like to try and replicate your setup, so any pointers on how to set up StorNext with Centos would be appreciated!