
Net-SNMP 5.2 is available!

I love releasing new major versions. The number of features we get to write up in the NEWS file just lets me know how much work we've achieved lately. The latest and greatest (5.2) is available from as always.

News snip:

For the security parnoid (like Wes):
- Insecure versions of SNMP may be completely disabled at compile time.
(configure using one or both of --disable-snmpv1 --disable-snmpv2c)
- Less secure versions of SNMPv3 authentication and encryption
algorithms may be completely disabled at compile time.
(configure using one or both of --disable-des --disable-md5)
(This requires you have OpenSSL to support SHA1 and AES instead)
- Diffie-Helman key negotianion (perfect-forward-secrecy - RFC2786)
has been implemented in both the agent and "snmpusm".
- better support for direct use of localized and master keys
(randomly generated keys have more entropy than passwords) See
the -3m -3M -3k and -3K options, and the defAuthLocalizedKey,
defPrivLocalizedKey, defAuthMasterKey, defPrivMasterKey
snmp.conf tokens)

  \- send and receive buffer sizes for UDP/TCP are configurable
  \- .conf file token registration can now search multiple files
    \(separate file names to search by a :.  IE, "snmpd:agentx"\)

  \- Embedded perl support for trap handlers \(much faster than traphandles\).
      \(configure --with-embedded-perl ; see 'perldoc NetSNMP::TrapReceiver'\)
  \- the snmptrapd usmUser table can be controlled through SNMP & AgentX
  \(the snmptrapd registers MIBs under the "snmptrapd" SNMPv3 context\)

  \- community strings can be mapped to individual SNMPv3 contexts
      \(see the snmpd.conf manual on "com2sec"\).
  \- AgentX should work properly with SNMPv3 contexts now.
  \- improved version of "exec" extension directive - "extend":
      supports multi-line output, configurable command input, SET
      handling, a valid relocatable MIB output structure, etc
  \- more flexibility added to netsnmp\_cache helper, including periodic
      refreshing of caches and cache pre-loading.
  \- experimental implementation of DisMan Remote Operations MIB groups
    \(remote nslookup, ping, traceroute and expressions via SNMP\)
  \- The proxy supports a new -Cc flag which passes the community
    name through to the other side rather than hard-coding it.
  \- The config\_require\(\) and other modules can now be placed
    inside of CPP directievs \(\#if, /\* ... \*/\) as header files are
    now passed through CPP processing first.
  \- new config\_exclude\(\) macro for excluding certain modules
  \- new config\_belongs\_in\(\) macro to specify if a chunk of code
    found by --with-mib-modules belongs in the agent library or
    the mib module library.
  \- Uses a smaller function stack.

  \- snmpusm: A number of key-change improvements
    \(EG, changing localized keys supported, diffie-helman support, ...\)
  \- New -Ln option to completely disable logging.

  \- a number of new or updated configuration templates:
    \- mib2c.iterate.conf: the iterator-based table config
        now produces fuller template code than before.
    \- mib2c.table\_data.conf and mib2c.container.conf:
        two new "internal-row" style configs
    \- mib2c.mfd.conf: "MIBs for Dummies" \(or MFD\) - intended to
        reduce the SNMP knowledge needed to develop MIB modules
        and add flexibility at the same time.  Run "mib2c -S
        mfd\_interactive\_setup=1 -c mib2c.mfd.conf OID" and follow
        its guided instructions to help you tailor its results to
        meet your needs.
    \- mib2c.genhtml.conf: Generates an easier-to-read HTML view of
      a MIB tree structure.  \(See
      for example output.\)
  \- more node tags available for conf file writers
  \- additional search directories may be set via MIB2C\_DIRS env var.
  \- mib2c-update: new utility to help update mib2c generated code
      when conf file changes.
  \- a mib2c.conf manual page to describe how to write mib2c .conf files.
  \- support for embedded perl code in mib2c.conf files

  \- New README.agent-mibs: an attempt to start documenting what
      MIBs are implemented in the agent and on what architectures.

  \- An improved SNMP::gettable\(\) method.  Uses GETBULK if possible and
    better GETNEXT requests if not, decodes indexes from OIDs,
    requests multiple variables at once, ...  \("perldoc SNMP" for details\)
  \- A NetSNMP::OID::get\_indexes\(\) function to extract index values
    from an OID.

- new experimental tables/rewrites for Linux, including:
ifTable, ifXTable, inetCidrRouteTable, ipCidrRouteTable,
ipAddressTable, ipSystemStatsTable, ipNetToPhysicalTable.
- Enable these talbles by specifying --enable-mfd-rewrites to configure.
- Most of these tables have IPv6 support as well.
- ifIndex no longer changes when interfaces are added/removed, and all
tables/object wiil now use the same ifIndex for the same interface.

- new experimental support for ucd-snmp/lmSensors MIB module

- Support for the MinGW compiler
- Support for snmptrapd running as a service
- A Win32 specific build and install script
- Support for a .exe installer
(we'll make binaries available using it)

- AgentX memory leak on sets
- SNMPv3 not-in-time window after 248 days
- Agent hang in HOST-RESOURCES MIB
- double free on duplicate registration
- OIDs with IP Addresses as indexes now print prettier
-'Lazy' installation of headers (only install if newer)
- allow whitespace in rocommunity/rwcommunity
- many miscellaneous bug reports

Posted by Wes Hardaker 2004-11-24

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