
#29 Lines too long in "wrap continuous" mode


While writing my TeX files in "wrap continuous" mode on
a Solaris Workstation with nedit 5.1.1, it happens that
some lines are too long. This means that nedit wraps at
a wrong position. Then either the first or the last
part of the line is invisible. It's almost the same
situation as in "Wrap none" mode, but without a scroll
bar at the bottom. Maybe nedit forgets to withdraw the
space of the vertical bar.

A nice feature, but not important, is a sign at the end
of the line, if a line is wrapped.

PS. NEdit is a very useful tool.


  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2001-06-12
    • milestone: --> release
    • priority: 5 --> 4
    • summary: Lines too long in "wrap continuous" mode --> Lines too long in "wrap continuous" mode
  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2001-06-12

    Logged In: YES

    Would you please submit a small piece of sample text that
    reproduces this? Is it only in TeX mode, or does it happen
    with plain text also? Are you using a variable-pitch or
    fixed-pitch font?

    I've seen certain cases where Motif running on an Solaris X
    server doesn't quite get font metrics right. On a Solaris X
    server here, if I type in a Motif XmText field, eventually
    the cursor gets "out of sync" with the text. It looks like
    a small error that gets compounded.

    If you could try the same piece of code, but on another X
    server (just remote display it somewhere if you can), it may
    help narrow down the problem.

  • Roland Kurmann

    Roland Kurmann - 2001-06-25

    Logged In: YES


    Thank you for your answer. I've seen that this isn't really
    a bug in nedit. The problem were the default fonts on my

    As primary font
    was used and for syntax highlighting
    "-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" was used.
    These fonts have a different size. Nedit reported in the
    "Text Font" dialog some problems with them. I've changed the
    size to 12 for every font. It works now and I'm happy.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.


  • Roland Kurmann

    Roland Kurmann - 2001-06-25
    • summary: Lines too long in "wrap continuous" mode --> Lines too long in "wrap continuous" mode
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me

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