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File Date Author Commit
 CVS 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 KTVTK 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 colormaps 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 data 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 doc 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 html 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 icons 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 img 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 ncvtk 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 src 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 BUGS 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 NEWS 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 README 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 TODO.rsz 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit
 WISHLIST 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit 2019-12-08 Alex Pletzer Alex Pletzer [7a4874] Initial commit

Read Me

# $Id: README,v 1.9 2008/02/04 17:11:12 rsz Exp $

1. What is NCVTK?

A program for exploring longitude/latitude based data stored in NetCDF 
file format. Ncvtk is built on top of the VTK toolbox.  Ncvtk has been 
designed with the aim of offering a high degree of interactivity to 
scientists who have a need to explore three-dimensional, time-dependent 
planetary data. 

A more detailed overview may be found at

2. Prerequisites
- VTK. Recent versions of Ncvtk were tested with VTK 5.1. When installing 
VTK 5.x make sure to select:

- Python 2.4 or later (
- NetCDF: a portable, self-described binary file format 
  ( Precompiled netCDF 
  libraries for Win32 can be fetched at 
- Numerical Python: vector/matrix operations in python 
- ScientificPython (to read NetCDF files:
- Pmw: graphical user interface extension (

3. Installing NCVTK
- gunzip ncvtk-XXX.tgz where XXX is the version number
- tar -xf ncvtk-XXX.tar
- cd ncvtk-XXX
- python install or python install  --prefix=your_home_directory. 

By default, ncvtk will be installed relative to python's installation 
directory. The --prefix option allows you to install ncvtk in another 
directory, e.g. your_home_directory/bin, in which case the python modules 
will end up under your_home_directory/lib/pythonXXX/site-packages. If 
you use --prefix, make sure to have PYTHONPATH pointing to 

4. Running NCVTK

"ncvtk2 -h" for a list of options.

Typically you will need to type 

"ncvtk2 -f"

5. Testing NCVTK
- Download or create This small file contains fields on a warped mesh.  You can create it with the commands:
	cd <ncvtk_dist_dir>/data
- Type [python] ncvtk2.
- Choose File -> Open to select a NetCDF file or
- Select, for instance, Visualize -> Color from the top tool bar.
6. Platform Specific Installation
This shows steps taken by NCVTK users to install and configure the Prerequisites listed above.

6.1. Windows 2000 

6.1.1 Download and Install Python 2.3.4


6.1.2 Download and Install Numeric 23.1 for Python


6.1.3 Download and Install ScientificPython 


6.1.4 Download and Install CMake


6.1.5 Download and Install VTK 4.5+

    If there is a binary release of 4.5+, install it and goto 6.1.6. 

    Notes: 1) Most binary releases of VTK don't have the pyhon extensions
           2) Although Ncvtk should work with VTK 4.5, the latest code was tested with VTK 5.1.

    If there is no binary release, but there is a zip file for 4.5+, unzip it and goto CVS Checkout 
        You may need a cvs client to get the latest 
        source code for VTK.  Try WinCVS at

        CVS Checkout with WinCVS
        1. Select Admin | Command Line...
        2. Paste into the command text area:

           cvs -d login

           Click OK.
        3. Navigate to where you want to save the files.  Click OK.
        4. You'll be queried for the VTK cvs password.  Enter the password posted on the VTK website. 
        5. Select Admin | Command Line... again, erase the previous command, 
           enter the command below, and then click OK:

           cvs -d checkout VTK Compile VTK (with MS Visual Studio 6)

        1. Start CMake and "Browse..." the source & build directories to where VTK resides.
        2. Select your "Build For" environment.  Here we'll MS Visual Studio 6.
        3. Check "Show Advanced Values"
        4. Click Configure.
        5. Set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to ON, 
           CMAKE_INTALL_PREFIX to where VTK resides,
           ensure PTYHON_EXECUTABLE points to your recent Python installation,
           set VTK_USE_HYBRID to ON,
           set VTK_WRAP_PYTHON to ON.
        6. Click Configure again.  Errors related to Python may appear. If so, then
           set the path and file locations as indicated by CMake
           (red left column, NOTFOUND strings in the right column).  It suffices to set
           PYTHON_LIBRARY ("python23.lib"), 
           PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH ("Python23\include"), and 
           PYTHON_EXECUTABLE ("Python23\python.exe").                
           Click Configure again.  If errors re-appear, continue to fix them.
        7. Click OK to generate the make files.
        8. Double-click VTK.dsw in the VTK source directory.
        9. In the Visual Studio IDE, select Tools | Options | Directories.
           Add the Python include path, such as F:\home\rsz\apps\Python23\include.
        10. Select "Library Files" from the "Show directories for" list.
            Add the Python libs path, such as F:\home\rsz\apps\Python23\libs.
            Click OK to close the window.
        11. From the menu, select Build | Set Active Configuration, then
            "ALL_BUILD - Win32 Release".  Click OK.
        12. Compile with selecting from the menu Build | Build.

6.1.6 Set the PYTHONPATH Environment Variable

    You will need to point Python to directories of VTK and vtkLEA.

    In Windows, select 
    Start | Settings | Control Panel | System | Advanced Settings | Environment Variables.
    If PYTHONPATH doesn't exist in the system variables, add it with "New...".
    Set the text so it includes the python directories of VTK and vtkLEA, such as
6.2 Mac OS X 

These instructions were provided by Takeshi Enomoto (01/22/2006). The 
installation was based on Tcl/Tk 8.4.12, python 2.4.2, Pmw-1.2, 
Numeric-24.2, numarray-1.5.0, ScientificPython-2.4.9 and VTK-5.1 from 
CVS. Tk, python, and VTK were configured to use Carbon.

    * Make Tcl and Tk in macosx directory.
    * Configure python with --enable-framework option.
    * Compile VTK with VTK_USE_CARBON=ON.
    * I had to make a sym link of /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ vtk in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/ python2.4/site-packages/.
    * ncvtk, ncvtk2 are installed in /Library/Frameworks/ Python.framework/Versions/2.4/bin. I moved them to /usr/local/bin.


7. Documentation

Novice users may want to consult the tutorial at Keep in mind that Ncvtk is work in
progess and that many graphical user elements are still evolving. 

A list of module documentation can be obtained at

8. Known problems
A ist of known problems can be found at

9. Loose ends

This information is mainly useful to developers at this stage.

9.1 How to build a C++ extension under Windows:

    1. Run CMakeSetup, and set the source & build directories to where the
       ncvtk vtkLEA directory is, such as F:\home\rsz\projects\ncvtk\ncvtk\vtkLEA.
    2. Check "Show Advanced Values" and click Configure.
    3. Add to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and CMAKE_C_FLAGS the Python include directory, e.g.
      /I f:\home\rsz\apps\Python23\include.
    4. Click OK to exit.
    5. Double-click "vtkLEA.dsw" that CMake generated in the ncvtk source directory.
       This will open up the Visual Studio IDE. 
    6. Set the Active Configuration to Release, and then Build.
    7. The new libraries will be in the directory labeled LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH in CMake,
       e.g. F:\home\rsz\projects\ncvtk\ncvtk\vtkLEA\bin\Release.

10. Release
Here are the steps to release ncvtk on SourceForge.

0. Checkout the latest source code

cd /tmp
cvs login
cvs -z3 co -P ncvtk

1. edit line in script

version = '2.4'


cvs ci

2. python sdist --formats=gztar,zip

this will create 

bash-3.2$ ls -ltr dist/
total 660
-rw-rw-rw- 1 Alexander None 296946 Jan  4 10:44 ncvtk-2.4.tar.gz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 Alexander None 385758 Jan  4 10:44*

3. Upload the files

cd dist
cd /incoming
put ncvtk-2.4.tar.gz

3. on, go to Ncvtk -> Admin -> File Releases (Log in required)

Next to the ncvtk package name, click on "Add Release"
enter 2.4 (or whatever version)

select files in checkbox list and press "Add files"
select "platform independent" and file type
