
Tree [2218ea] main /

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File Date Author Commit
 .github 2024-05-20 Nathan Crews Nathan Crews [9372b8] Create FUNDING.yml
 CloudExtensionOptions 2024-05-19 nathancrews nathancrews [baed1e] Fixes and changes for release
 GLTFExtensionOptions 2024-05-19 nathancrews nathancrews [baed1e] Fixes and changes for release
 build 2024-05-19 nathancrews nathancrews [baed1e] Fixes and changes for release
 inc 2024-05-19 nathancrews nathancrews [baed1e] Fixes and changes for release
 resource 2024-01-06 nathancrews nathancrews [641043] Installer fixes.
 sample 2024-01-07 nathancrews nathancrews [791e56] removed rendered images
 source 2024-05-19 nathancrews nathancrews [baed1e] Fixes and changes for release
 .gitignore 2024-01-06 nathancrews nathancrews [641043] Installer fixes.
 Clear_and_Reset_Thumbnail_Cache.bat 2023-12-28 nathancrews nathancrews [6e757e] initial commit
 Cloud Installer link.txt 2024-01-22 nathancrews nathancrews [09e18f] Completed config projects. 2024-05-20 Nathan Crews Nathan Crews [2218ea] Update
 re-explorer.bat 2023-12-28 nathancrews nathancrews [6e757e] initial commit

Read Me

NCrews Windows shell extension projects:

GLTF/GLB Windows Shell Extension:
This shell extension automatically adds thumbnail images to .glb files in Windows File Explorer and
provides a right click menu option to generate a 3D preview image for .gltf files. Supports multi-file select and directory processing.
Pre-built Windows x64 installer available at

LAS/LAZ Pointcloud Windows Shell Extension:
This "quick viewer" shell extension provides a Windows File Explorer right click menu option to quickly generate 3D preview images for large and small .las and .laz files.
(Disclaimer: Processing time depends on compute hardware) Typical processing time for 100mb .las is about 2 seconds. 25mb .laz file process in about the same times. Files are processed in parallel using
available CPU cores.
A second option will create a merged 3D image for all selected .las/laz files.
Both menu options support multi-file select and directory processing.
Pre-built Windows x64 installer available at

Projects use Open3D, OpenCV and LASLib C++ libraries to produce 3D images for the source content.
The library files are not included in this project, but are required to build as Dynamic DLLs.