The NCID (Network Caller ID) project is Caller ID (CID) distributed over a network. The project contains the NCID package and several optional client packages. Each package is described at the main NCID web site. A non-inclusive list of 3rd party addons is also available at the main web site.
Sampling of Available Packages:
For the historically curious, the very first 0.5 version was released May 31, 2001 with a file name of tivocid-0.5.tar.gz.
Support for other operating systems besides the TiVo was eventually added so the project name changed from "TiVo CID" to the cross-platform name of "NCID." The first official version under the new project name was released July 16, 2002 with a file name of ncid-0.5.tar.gz.
SourceForge hosts the NCID versions starting with 0.12 released on May 16, 2003.
on a Raspberry Pi