
NCIDpop 0.10.10 Released

Version 0.10.10 of NCIDpop is now available for the Windows, Macintosh, and Linux platforms. This new version contains the following changes/additions:
• Added keep alive capability
• Added support for Relay (RLY) option for sending SMS to gateway clients such as NCID Android
• Added gateway relay support (RLY) for battery level, location, playing ringtone, and remote dialing on gateway clients
• Added ability to request logs from server if not provided on startup

Additionally, there is a new NCIDpop lite version for Windows 3.x 16 bit platforms for this release. This new version supports requesting logs from the NCID server if not provided on startup.

For more information about current NCIDpop features, please visit the NCIDpop project page at

Posted by Chris Lenderman 2017-02-23

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