
NCID Android Released

Version of NCID Android is now available in Google Play!

This version contains the following changes:
• Add relay capability (remote dialing, remote text, remote report location, remote play ringtone, report battery info) (experimental)
• Added option to suppress sending battery charged message if phone/device is plugged in with battery level above a user-defined value
• Added ability to request call log after a period of time if not sent on server startup
• Added ability to send a server message
• Added option to disable vibration on receipt of call, message, and server notification messages
• Added option to override network availability and attempt to connect to NCID server (this may be required for situations such as reverse tethering)
• Added support for display of "raw" date/time formats as received from the server
• Added privacy policy

Should you have any issues with this release, please do not hesitate to contact me via

For more information about current NCID Android features and for a download link, please visit the NCID Android project page at

Posted by Chris Lenderman 2017-02-23

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