
NCID 1.2 Released

NCID Release 1.2

This release fixes the ncid2ncid gateway, improves on a feature in the ncid-page module and improves on the server announce hangup feature. The online documentation was also improved by adding sections on aliases and auto hangup modes.

Features and fixes:

  • Announce hangup has a default announcement file called NumberDisconnected.rmd
    which works for modems containing a CONEXANT chipset. It also works with
    a U.S. Robotics modem.

  • The ncid-page module was improved by allowing a choice of 4 subject lines
    when a subject line is configured.

  • Fixed ncid2ncid segmentation fault.

  • Fixed ncidd so it tries multiple reads to get complete modem responses from
    slow modems.

  • Fixed ncid so when it receives the ignore1 option from the server, it only
    removes a leading 1 instead of the first 1 it finds in the number.

  • The online man pages for ncid output modules now
    include all the configuration options.

Alias and Hangup Documentation

The Using Aliases
section in the online
NCID Documentation
explains the different alias types NCID offers along with a usage example for
each type.

The Using Hangup
section in the online
NCID Documentation
explains the different types of automatic hangup NCID offers.

Announce Hangup

The Announce Hangup recording file is very dependent on the modem used.

The NumberDisconnected.rmd recording works with the popular CX93001 chipset.
The default configuration will play the announcement file with all modems
that use this Conexant chipset.

A comment in the ncidd.conf file gives the AT+VSM parameter to play the
default voice file using a U.S. Robotics modem.

The ncidd.log file at the default verbose 1 level will display the chipset
or modem name of the modem you are using, the active profile, and the Voice
Sampling Methods (VSM) supported by the modem.

The Using Hangup
section in NCID Documentation explains how to create a
raw modem data (RMD) file using the information from ncidd.log.

If the NumberDisconnected.rmd file does not play properly for your modem,
review Using Hangup to determine if your modem is
compatible with NCID and how to use NumberDisconnected.wav to
create one for your modem.

You are also encouraged to consult the NCID Wikipedia article for its table of known compatible and incompatible modems. It has been enhanced with a new NCID Features Supported column. Modems shown with the VOICE feature can be used with Announce Hangup. Please help us keep the list updated by directly editing the table on your own. Updates can be done anonymously.

If you require help with Announce Hangup, you need to provide your operating
system, modem manufacturer/model, and the server startup lines at verbose level 1 (the default). We need to see the entire section beginning with Started:
and ending with the line that indicates the PID and PID file (e.g., Wrote pid 20963 in pidfile: /var/run/ You can either use
debug mode or the ncidd.log file.

OBIHAI Device Support

obi2ncid Gateway

This gateway was added in release 1.1 and so far there are no reports of usage problems.

If you like to experiment and have an OBi device or telephone, use it and report or fix any problems you notice. Be sure your device has the latest firmware.

The obi2ncid script has options to create a log file and to save the raw input into a data file. Use verbose level 5.

Here is a suggested command line for testing on the default OBi UDP port, overwriting the log and raw data files each time obi2ncid is started:

obi2ncid -t -L test.log -R -v5

NCID project home page

NCID package description and features

NCID package release notes and distribution files

NCID Documentation

NCID Man Pages



Posted by John L. Chmielewski 2015-10-06

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