
NCIDpop translation

  • Druss67

    Druss67 - 2016-12-15


    I would like to translate the interface of NCIDpop. Is there an easy way to do this ?
    It seems with java, it is possible to add file to translate the software, is it true ?


  • Todd Andrews

    Todd Andrews - 2016-12-15

    Hi Druss67, I don't know the answer but I'll let Chris, the NCIDpop developer, know you're volunteering. I believe I mentioned in another thread that Chris is starting a new job and relolcating his family so it might be a while before he responds.

  • Druss67

    Druss67 - 2016-12-16

    Hi Todd

    Yes, I know Chris is busy. There is no rush of course.
    Just let you know that I am okay to translate app in French.
    I have already do this for other application, using web application like Transifex.

    Best regards,

  • John L. Chmielewski


    Feel free to translate the app in French and submit a patch ticket. When Chris gets a chance he can review it and decide if he wants to use it, modify it, or whatever.

  • Druss67

    Druss67 - 2016-12-16

    Hi John,

    I will try, and I will let you know.

  • Druss67

    Druss67 - 2016-12-27

    I give up.
    I will hope to find all the text entries in one file, but it seems the text is embbed in the java code.

    There is some possibilities to create some but it must been done at programmer level.
    As I haven't any programmation skills, it is hard for me.

    No problem if in the future you want to internationalize NCid I will be here for French translation.

    Best regards,

    • Chris Lenderman

      Chris Lenderman - 2017-02-12

      Sounds good. I think that the key issue we will find is that NCIDpop is cross-platform compatible, and, as such, I had to perform some pretty crazy tricks to make sure text displayed properly on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. At this time, the program is not set up for translating. Sorry :(


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