
minicom shows number, ncid shows OUT-OF-AREA

Kahuna J
  • Kahuna J

    Kahuna J - 2004-11-12

    Most numbers show up fine, but when I get a call from my brother's cell phone, I get the OOA message. What can I test?

    • John L. Chmielewski

      The easiest way to determine what is going on is to look at the log files. /var/log/cidcall.log contains the CID lines ncidd generates after it applies any aliases. /var/log/cidmodem.log is the output from the modem. If it does not exist, "touch /var/log/cidmodem.log"

      Note that cidcall.log is one line per call, while the cidmodem.log is multiple lines per call.

      NCID has default aliases it applies. "O" is aliased to "OUT-OF-AREA". The log files will tell you if an alias is being applied.

      Let me know the results. You can email them to me if you do not want to post them.

    • Kahuna J

      Kahuna J - 2004-11-13

      a-ha, it looks like this cell phone sends the NMBR twice. Cidmodem.log gets the number then another "O". How can I get around this?

      DATE = 1113
      TIME = 1038
      NMBR = ########## (number blanked out)
      NMBR = O

    • John L. Chmielewski

      NCID assumes that a number is only sent once. In fact it assumes that all fields are only sent once. A new release of NCID is about ready, so I will add a fix for this condition. If you send me email, I will send you a prerelease of ncidd you can test. It is interesting that NMBR is sent twice, but NAME is not sent. I wonder if this is a mistake by cell phone company, and they meant to set NAME = O.


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